Elektronauts Hip Hop Beat Battle #21 - Library Music

Howdy folks.

The theme for Battle #21 is “library music.” Specifically music from the Bruton Music label.

I assume most of you are familiar with the term, if not here’s the wiki link- Production music - Wikipedia

Here’s a playlist with tons of records from the label- each video is a whole album, and most of them are divided into tracks.

Bruton Music Playlist

There’s a lot to choose from there, I suggest picking an album based on the cover and then digging around!

Thee Rules:

  • Your main sample must be from the above playlist
  • Each participant should post a drum break of some sort
  • You can use other sounds, but keep them to a minimum(i.e. a bass sound & a kick sample, etc)
  • Each participant must make a beat primarily consisting of elements from this thread. You are free to use multiple samples from what has been uploaded, if you desire
  • You cannot use the break that you have posted
  • Keep your beat to a maximum of 2:30

Please have your samples posted by end of day Friday May 19.
Deadline for submissions is end of day Sunday June 4 my time, which is US CST (GMT-5)

When you’re done, PM me with a link to mp3/wav upload of your beat. Be sure to include your name in the title of the file.

Let me know if any of this is unclear! Thanks to @Yabba for letting me host, can’t wait to see what you all come up with.


Here’s my break (drums solo at :42)


So cool! Great theme


Made a slight revision to the rules on Yabba’s advice- there’s no need to post your own sample from the playlist, just find something on there you like and use it.

However, do post a break for others to use- that gets your name on the list for this battle!


Gonna try and get involved this month, nice battle choice, been a long time fan of the kpm and dewolfe stuff, this is something new for me so thanks for the heads up👍


I vow to actually do this one.

(Also, there are open drum parts throughout the song. Not just the opening bit.)


This looks great!

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Procrastinators of the world unite✊ tomorrow or maybe the next day😅


Thanks to @flippantminister for hosting and the great concept.

Here’s my drum break, which is at the start


Let’s fn go! My drum break (right at the beginning):

(If the link doesn’t work, it’s “Truckers Atlas” by Modest Mouse)


Great theme! I’m a huge fan of library music and would like to give this one a go if I can find time.

Here is my drum break submission, which itself is library music from 1976. :wink:


Oh yeah, I loooove library music, especially Bruton! I’m so in…

I’ll post my breakbeat soon, I’m in the middle of a roadtrip in North Vietnam, wifi is sparse.

@DimensionsTomorrow big fan of Alan Tew as well! There are some crazy samples to flip in this LP.


I don’t know where to start with this one.
There’s so much useable stuff I think I could spend the rest of my days just using that playlist :joy:


And so many nice drum beats in there too, the ones we add are pretty much superfluous… are we allowed to use them too? (To add to the choice overload)


I think this will be my main challenge.

It’s an awesome challenge, but often when I have unlimited choice I end up not doing anything. I didn’t enter the last DnB challenge because it was so wide my mind went blank.

I love this cheesy library music. I have fond memories of Coldcut, BoC and people who have sampled this kind of stuff. It’s possible I might have to stretch my entry into more TripHop territory as that’s the vibe this stuff often awakes in me.


Let me help you, Brian Eno-like:



But have you also considered picking the one with the best title?


The drum beat:

(hope no one has dropped it yet cause I was super lazy in my research)

I have found my favorite Bruton, hope I’ll win against my procrastination :sweat_smile:


Yeah definitely a great choice this concept and one things for sure, there’s gonna be a great selection of beats when we’re all done.

I’ve already found two I used already when they were posted on stonesthrow battles about 12 years ago, it was tempting to load em and rework em in Digitakt, but I do wanna do something different

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