Elektronauts Hip Hop Beat Battle #6 - Tribe edition

Dope! I actually really like these drums, but of course I dont know how good it was with your own drums…

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This was probably the hardest compo so far, but I am pretty happy with the end result considering the time I have available for composing at the moment.

The pad is from Il Condor. Bass is from Piccolo, Saxo and Company. Beat is from the classic breaks. The fake scratching is a modulated hi-hat. Built in Digitakt and fine tuned in Cubase. Secret sauce: bunch of u-he + unfiltered audio fx.

Uploaded as a private track on soundcloud, hope it won’t get deleted:

Edit: named the track wrong :smiley:


Hey all, so far the submissions have been really dope, and I want to add to the dopeness with my track. :joy:

This is my first properly finished track that I’ve made with my MPC One, and also the first of mine to use an a Capella. I hope I struck a good balance between having repetition and having variety in the beat.

Sample breakdown:

  1. The a Capella is the entire Scenario rip.

  2. The kick was taken from the “Impeach the President” break. The rest I don’t really remember, just from the video is all.

  3. The intro sample is a Celeste taken from the orchestral video. I also took a few vocal snippets and a harp from that video that show up at the end of the track.

  4. The main, driving sample is from Youth: A Little More Growing Up, and some vocals from that track are lurking in the back of the mix too.

  5. Finally, I took some strings and vocal chops from Il Condor.

I really loved the process of making this track and I’m quite happy to be able to share it with y’all. :grin: This is probably one of the best beats I’ve personally made, and I would absolutely love any feedback you’ve got, positive or negative. :laughing:

Cheers, Pineapple Dave

Edit: Lemme know if it the link works for y’all. I tired posting it as private like Cal Exo. Hope it works! :crossed_fingers:


This is wild mate, crazy energy. Love it :fire:

Has the battle host ever missed their own deadline before? Realised I have decision making and musical commitment issues :grimacing: Really struggling to come up with one I like!


Haha the deadline is tomorrow right? Still plenty of time to pull an all-nighter and make the greatest beat of all time!

Love all the submissions so far, really surprised by the level of variation between all the beats, even with very limited material to work with.


Yeah tomorrow… at midnight UK time I’m gonna say :grin:

I’m genuinely gonna miss the deadline I set. Life has got in the way. Extension until sometime tomorrow?! I know this is probably unprecedented. Please forgive me Elektronauts…


we believe in you! you can do it!

Not going to happen man. Whoops :man_facepalming: I can always submit late and not be included in the vote as a terrible punishment for my crime.


Just post whatever demo you have. Better than nothin mate :upside_down_face: But don’t sweat it

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Nah, fam. It’s barely 6pm on the West Coast. It’s still Friday.

Anyway. I used the Bill Cosby break. The main sample is looms’. I also used a horn stab from Sleepyhead’s weird children’s program. I did some single cycle nonsense with a clip from that for the bass, as well. And I just used the crowd noise from the beginning of Yabba’s track. There’s also that little crowd noise from the Tribe record at the beginning and end. And then obviously there’s the vocal. RIP Phife.




Riiight I’ll get mine done today (in some kinda shitty state) for sure. So if anyone else wants to smash something out today and join in feel free! I’ll set up the vote thread tomorrow probably. Hope that’s cool y’all.

And Doug your one is fire as always man really dig your style.


I haven’t managed to get anything completed! I spent a couple of days warping the rap to my liking in Ableton Live, then accrued s bunch of samples, spent a few days not liking those, then I thought ‘damn this challenge makes me want an MPC’. So I picked up a used MPC Live and started putting together some bits on there and now I have a weird disjointed project spread across two ecosystems! I may not be able to put it all together on time but if I can I will. Would rather post nothing than something I’m not kinda happy with… cringe


Haha well getting an mpc because of this battle is more of an outcome than just making a beat I guess…


I’m so happy I got another one! I’ve had a few MPCs sold them all for various reasons. I struggle to make hip hop that I feel anything for in Ableton Live.

Also @sleepyhead that sample you provided for the challenge is batshit crazy! I watched it with my other half, we love it!


Unfortunately, I’m another DNF drop out of this particular battle… :smirk:

I thought I had a couple of ideas going, then having to fly in the acapellas to match was going to be more time staring at my computer screen than I have available at the moment.

The submissions I’ve heard so far have been great, once again! Well done to those who’ve submitted. :+1:


Here is my effort:

Kept it pretty simple as you’ll hear. Found an acapella of Check the Rhime but it sounds like it was ripped using a plugin or something, so it’s a bit sketchy - could only really use the verse from Phife (RIP).
One melody from each of the 3 samples and drums from two of the loops. Used the Mpc One and a little bit of processing in the 404SX.
I didn’t have as much time to spend on it as I would have liked but will have to do! :peace_symbol:


Here’s my muddy over-compressed mess. Got there in the end. Calling it done anyway, haha.

Really struggled to make decisions with this one and had so many slightly different versions. Trouble getting the three sample sources to gel together without it sounding ‘too much’… which this version probably does :scream: :joy:

I’m also using the SP-16 primarily and haven’t quite got a decent workflow with it yet when it comes to arranging and trying to avoid my computer as much as possible so no bouncing and arranging in Live … which is slowing me down A LOT at the moment.

Intro is from Sleepyheads sample along with some incidental sounds/splashes occasionally throughout, main melodies from Yabba and my samples, a combination of lots of the drums - think I used sounds from 4 breaks in the end. Little bass part (that sounds muddy af) is from the double bass towards the end of the track I shared.

‘1nce again’ sorry for the delay. Although I’m glad that’s meant we’ve got another entry, nice one @Maisin!

@Claid, @CCMP no worries fellas. Maybe next time and hope you had some fun along the way anyway!


That’s amazing!! Seriously, congrats.

I have learned a lot and had fun so all good. :slight_smile: