Elektronauts Hip Hop Beat Battle #6 - Tribe edition

Straight up dope :metal:

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That sir is a legit banger :metal:

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balls, missed this! No matter, I’m going to do it myself for the workout anyhow. Look forward to hearing your results.

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@FNKSTRNG, @PineappleDave - Could you guys DM me a link to your tracks? I think because they’re set as private I can’t find a link to embed them in the voting thread!

Edit: Thanks fam!

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I’m gonna take a stab at this next round, hopefully I can live up to some of the great work done here… :metal:


Hey Elektronauts family.

I’m sorry I missed the fun as it all unfolded in real time back in October. I was still finding my way around the Digitakt back then.

I want to be part of this BeatBattle too, so I decided to go ahead and make my beat anyways and I turned into a remix with the Scenario accapella. I used it as a chance to learn deeply about the Digitakt. I ended up mixing the whole thing on the DT as well, by moving the verses and chorus and some scratching of the accapella I did with my turntables, resampled back into the Digitakt.

For those of you who know the original, you’ll see I dropped out some epic verses (Leaders of New School) and stuck to Pfife, QTip and Busta Rhymes.

Since the original music video for Scenario is so amazing, I decided to have some fun and made a video for my remix. In the video I explain a bit about our Beat Battle process to give context to those outside of this forum+thread.

The track starts at 1:05 below the start is the intro.

Let me know what you think! Can’t wait to join on the next round!

In Beats, Rhymes and Life - Surfacescan.


Holy crap, that’s sick man! Nice work!

Super cool stuff :fire: :postal_horn: So many ideas and loads of creativity in there :exploding_head:

Sick scratching and love the busta verse where you switch up the drums inna dancehall style.

New battle soon!

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Damn this is dope! Love the beat and really admire your video editing skills! This is probably the greatest video I’ve seen during these battles. Extra props for making this on the DT. I guess I was lucky you were late for this battle or the end result might’ve been very different.

It would be cool if you joined the next one! Round 7 was just finished today, and @looms has won the honour and burden to host the next battle :raised_hands:


what the hell, dude?! this is so good. see you next round.

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This is crazy all around. Great work!

@Sleepyhead thanks bro. I am honoured to join ranks with the gang here and pitch in. Can’t wait for it to launch.

@looms thanks for the props. I’ve had that Busta Rhymes loop on creative wishlist to do something with for years. I feel like his verse on that track was the most hype and so I needed the track to go up a notch when his verse came in - so I added the Dancehall flavour after the track was done. So glad I did it because I ended up dancing around like a madman the same way the crew in the video are during his verse! (This is kinda part of my process, like when I dj, I need to actually dance while Im producing!) I love being able to drop some scratching in too.

@rockpapergoat @Doug - yeah, even I was surprised where all these wild ideas came from - I think I ended up listening to the Low End Theory for a week, just to get re-inspired. I could appreciate the brilliance and simplicity of the production so much more now as an aspiring producer/beatmaker than I did as a teenage DJ. So I just had as much fun as a could and wanted to do the track justice!

Thanks for setting the canvas for some of the most fun I’ve had since the pandemic. Can’t wait to keep it going!