Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #1

Congratulations! Impressed that you came in the battle with your first beat. I was thinking of a movie soundtrack when i listen it, you can improve the mix but the basics are here.

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nice work! i dig the sparseness of some sections. that shade track is super versatile. it’s bound to make into some of my future tracks.

nice work, i used the same sample! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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damn, that flows. adding vocals on these really is icing on the cake. root down totally fits here. awesome job! haha… this is like a megamix. love it.


Ok i see, u guys decided to put it to the next level! That’s dope!


dark! i was wondering how people were going to use that manring clip. your spare usage works well here. it’s cool that this is more brooding. i can totally hear someone rapping over this already. high five, yo.

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Nice work! Very mellow, and the sound of the piano is great :+1:

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Thanks !!!
The funny thing is that i didn’t think i would use your sample, because it’s too “dangerous” : Yes, it will sound good because it’s gold material, but it’s extremely legendary, so you have to handle it right.
But when i decided to use the Beastie Boys, it was a no-brainer…, and on top of that, the track @Kuro provided mixed so well with it, the track almost made itself !
You did good !!!

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Thank you !!
Well, most of the Beastie Boys tracks are Megamixes by essence, so i had no choice really !
And this is totally what i love the most in “ancient” Hip Hop :
The Quickness and the profusion.


@woops Totally sick. Polished and very original. Excellent work! Love it!

I’m glad a number of people have had a go with the sample I posted!

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Man, this is what it’s all about. I’ve learned so much doing these things. Glad we all decided to do this.


Just popping in to say, that you guys are great, and that this is such a lovely, vibey thread :+1:


@Affectionate-Bee-781 very nice track! Love the drums and the buildup. And I’m honoured you chose this battle to share something for the first time! Doing a battle like this (especially if you have to use samples other people provide) is always a good push to step outside of your comfort zone.

I remember back in '08 the first beat I ever put online was my entry for a beatbattle on some long gone Dutch hiphop forum. I put more effort into that one beat than ever before, and this taught me a lot. By a weird twist of fate this very beat ended up being the first one that was ‘officially’ released… who knows what your post will lead to :wink:


@NeonMelk wow, awesome! Again, the acapella fits perfectly with the vibe of the track. Love how well the combination of drums/bassline works, its like a solid foundation which is enough to carry the whole track. Great job!

@woops Very atmospheric! I never expected the track to go in this direction but it works perfectly, also you managed to blend the different samples perfectly!


I’m really impressed with all the submissions so far and the great vibe here! We’re up to 14 awesome beats already! Some people sadly had to back out of the battle. Thank you guys for joining and sharing great sample material. I hope you’ll join next time.

There’s 2 days left, and the following people still have the chance to post something before we start voting (I can’t @ this many people):


After Sunday, the battle is closed for new entries, and we will start the process to decide a winner!

Voting process

  • We’ll start on monday (19/7), and the deadline for voting is wednesday (21/7) meaning votes coming in after wednesday will not count.
  • Only people who joined the battle and submitted a finished track/beat can vote.
  • Before voting, I suggest everyone takes a moment to listen to all submitted tracks again completely, preferably in a way that gives you good sound quality. Every track submitted so far took time and effort to make, so I think they all deserve a thorough listening session!
  • After listening, you can post a top 3 to this thread (which of course excludes yourself!). Commenting on other submissions or sharing a list of ‘honourable mentions’ if you have any is off course welcomed, but please clearly state your top 3 at the start of your post.
  • After the voting every 1st place vote gives the recipient 3 points, every 2nd place vote gives the recipient 2 points, and every 3rd place vote is worth 1 point. The person receiving the most points will be declared the winner, and gets the honourable job to organise (and decide the rules for) the next battle! ps: I guess if by some miracle you guys decide to vote for me :smiley: , the person in second place can organise the next one).
  • Everyone can decide for themselves in what way to judge the submissions: There were no rules or limits on gear used, how many samples you could or had to use, or using outside samples/synths or acapella’s. This means everyone is free to decide what to take into account while voting (for example the overall quality, originality, how creatively the source material was used, how creatively the gear was used, how many samples were used, the mixing/sound quality etc).

I love the great music this battle has produced so far, I hope we can keep this going in the future! Good luck to those still working on their submissions!


Thanks for organising this!


I just need to do the the annoying converting and uploading aspect of mine.
Plus I made two and I really can’t decide which one to choose.
The brilliant one you did with the same part of the sample as me has put me off choosing that one a bit lol
But I probably will go with that one


Just wow! The middle and end parts are stunning. Such a great dark vibe


Thank you @Sleepyhead !
The “Bring your sample but don’t use it” is a great idea.
I love to work with material that i wouldn’t use or try to mix on my own.

Really hope this battle is the first of many to come.

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Ok unfortunatly too much work this week so i’m out for this battle.
Good Luck guys !

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