Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #15: Into The Sunset— Morricone edition

Haha could be an interesting twist for the next battle: deadline october 2023, but then we expect everyone to submit the absolute best track they’ve ever made :joy:


This was a fun challenge. Got my beat done in a about an hour after sampling was done. Could have spent probably quite a few more hours on it, but unfortunately my son brought the flu home. And we’ve just barely recoverd from Covid. :smiley:


One year battle!

For this one,
I’d hope a week, a day…
If I’m the only, nevermind…


I’m going to do the playlist all being well late afternoon early evening this Thursday (uk time)
So if you can get it to me in the morning that’s fine.

Or if there is a few of you that might need an extra day or two just say so and it’ll be worth extending


I’d love the next contest to be super strict.

One sample. 1 sec long. Of an infant crying.
Must be Baroque music.
Must use Dorian scale.
No white keys.

You have exactly 27 hours and 34 mins.


I would urge everybody to just to shoot from the hip.

You draw quickly, or you dont draw at all…


I’d be in, except from “infant crying” sample, and the timing.

Imho, we need a few rules, limitations to make that kind of contests. Otherwise it would be just a kind of “play what you did recently” thread…
Limitations can help your creativity to focus on something simpler than universe. At least for me for Hip Hop.
Otherwise concerning universe I’d rather go for gererative ambient random pads…

Have to find the one with most black keys…

Concerning “Music Baroque” first Youtube result was :

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Haha great methaphor. I actually often notice that on the occasions that a track I start doesn’t work/sound good in the first 20 minutes of making it, there’s little benefit in spending hours to make it into something good…


Yup, same here.

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Yeaaaaah, that’s why I think mine is a straight miss and not worth a deadline extension. When I have something hot, I know it almost from the get go. And here, I’m more like “damn, that loop is boring, son…”.


For this one I made 56 loops. A lot are boring for sure. :content:
(Especially gun shots).
I hope some work.


The beats I made that rejected in this battle I was trying to be clever and complicated.
The one I ended up finishing was the most simple but it sounds the most pleasant.


Without going as far as saying that quality is always born from quantity, quality is indeed easier to craft when the output is rich and the practice made regular. Guys like Madlib or Dilla illustrate that point pretty well with their extensive disco: is every track a gem? Nah! But there are so many tracks that the number of gems is also massive.

But for that, you need time. And I’ve been too busy getting my soul sucked by my work lately… :frowning:


I certainly don’t want to be the reason, but I would love to hear about an extension of any additional time, as I’m still desperately trying to get this sample to work.

Either way, I’m still making a beat inspired by this contest, one way or another, even if it takes me a while and it never gets submitted. Too good of a prompt to not make one.

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IIRC he also said John Williams is Ok. :rofl:

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will try to bang out something before the deadline. nothing quite motivates like time pressure.


I just got my DT about a month ago and it’s awesome to find fellow hip hop heads in the tribe :slight_smile: The atmosphere here is so encouraging and creative, it’s just inspiring. Gonna try to get something in by midnight tomorrow if that still works. Morricone had some pretty epic weird stuff but going to try to have some fun with it.

Also, note to self, don’t experiment with Dilla time after reading the book of the same name at the same time as trying to learn the DT.


Welcome aboard - so great more people are getting in on this

DT can be great to play in live, and uTime things around where needed. I wish it had velocity but you can dial that in before or after

Hope you make it in time, still trying to wrap mine up quickly

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for OT gunshots that are less boring have you tried putting lfo’s on the retrig params? instant wild west hahah


Or timestrech, à la Matrix.