Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #15: Into The Sunset— Morricone edition

does soundcloud support community pro memberships for free or at a discount? another option would be to take up a collection to pay for soundcloud pro for the existing account. maybe elektron would be willing to fund that.


Partially, it’s self-policing. These contests are judged by fellow entrants, so you want to make something that won’t cause them to cry foul.

Mostly, it’s fun to make things under specific constraints, doubly so when a community is doing the same thing alongside you. This is a totally volunteer and voluntary thing. You participate or you don’t


for fun :+1:
enough motivation for me


Working under a set of parameters, with a timeline has been inspiring to me. It’s also interesting to see what other people come up with using the same “rules”. You can be as creative as you want within the limitations and I have enjoyed working with a theme or defined structure as a counter to my usual free-form free for all. Personally I haven’t found it to restrictive, but a nice gentle push in a certain direction

I came up with things I wouldn’t have otherwise and have tried something new each time. Ive been impressed more with other’s tracks knowing what they were working with to make them and it helps to learn and understand methods and techniques

If you want to put up a prize for the winner you can :money_mouth_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The simple answer is “You don’t have to”

The more complex answer is that people will put far more effort into working for kudos within the community than for any prize that this competition could reasonably offer.

If you want some science on this there are studies where counterintuitively offering people cash prizes to do maths puzzles etc makes them perform worse etc.


I don’t understand why there should be a contest without a prize: why does someone set rules on how I should produce, but without putting anything on the table?

An artist, as everyone knows, is allergic to rules

is it for fun? ok, It would make much more sense to pay homage to Morricone by creating remixes to celebrate “The Maestro” and that’s it: no rules, everyone interprets creativity as they want

But there is a prize: you gain the honor to host the next round and create its rules + you win a sick track created by none other than yourself + feedbacks from super cool peepz.

Jokes asides: it’s our community and that’s how we do it. No one is forced to participate.


Yeah man, the vibe here reminds me of attending a live KRS-1 show.


Not sure where this discussion is going, but I think you’re speaking to the wrong audience here as most people in this thread seem to enjoy these battles.

There is probably room for another format, and I think most of us are happy experimenting with different rules, but I think the end result is going to be agreeing to disagree.


Oh dear lord lol


You can create your own contest

  1. Any sound

  2. Any source.

  3. Maximum legnth ~¿ infinity

  4. Submission deadline: whenever you feel like it

Curious to see that play out


If you want to set the rules first you have to win and then you get the joy of hearing what other people make using your guidelines

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the prize is a free dopamine squirt in your brain that other people connected with your music.
to go further i believe winners maybe featured on a band camp compilation so a bit of free exposure.

most enjoy the “rules” and see them as limitations to spark and challenge creativity.

i’m excited to see what prize they offer up!


2nd place wins some cowboy boots and a rusty sheriffs badge.

1st place wins a tent and gets to reenact any scene from brokeback mountain by themselves

See you on the polls!!!


I am kicking myself for not getting something done in time once again. I did get some great samples out of this challenge, but too many projects going on at once to get something solid finished in time to submit. Really love the last two battle ideas and just haven’t been able to finish anything in time for submitting for either challenge. So, I vow to not miss the next one. No excuses, no take backs. Nothing short of a death in the family (which I actually did have during this battle, my aunt passed) will keep me from putting a song in the melee. Looking forward to hearing all the spaghetti western boom bap knockers you boys (and hopefully girls too) cooked up. The Wu-tang tape from last battle was nothing to fuck with, to be certain.


On a serious note…

Aside from your input check the positivity and encouragement that dominates these hip hop battle threads, the set ups and the votes.

We’ve had just about every limitation suggested you can think of.
Sometimes we’ve had to use the same drumkit, on another occasion we’ve had to sample kids tv shows where we’re obligated to sample things like inspector gadget and Bod.
Sometimes we have to use vocals on other occasions we don’t.
On one occasion we could only use 10 sounds including drums.

All in all it’s a bit of fun that nobody is obligated to take part in but anybody at any level is welcome even if they don’t consider themselves an artist.
There’s nothing to stop you or anybody else creating their own thread away from the hip hop battles with their own suggestions.

These particular battles have taken place for quite some time now and I think we are all happy with that and have learnt a lot.

So that’s it really.


Agree with everything said already but also:

This isn’t a contest as much as it is a series of community hosted battles. The point of joining these battles is not to win a prize, but to challenge yourself, show your skills, and learn from both the feedback you get and the other entries. In that sense I’ve ‘won’ a lot over the last year just by getting better at producing music by listening to and learning from the others here.

I also disagree with the notion that artists hate rules. Artists can do and feel whatever they want, but I think interesting art is made when artist play/interact with, or challenge the rules set by society or themselves.


ok. I got it
Good luck


IF you win : You can get the best NFT of the world with your Elektronauts name on it, with a simple screenshot gently offered by the host.

It is unique. Try to sell it at the price you estimate it.

Good luck too !

I won’t be able to finish something decent but I got something. If some people are in the same case, is possible to have a few hours, days, months more ?
(I was pretty serious with months more, I think Ennio Morconne deserves it)