Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #15: Into The Sunset— Morricone edition


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Oh well, the time I had at my disposal is over and I have nothing close to being listenable. Damn…

That round has taught me one thing, tho: I was dead set on making the sp404mk2 my main sampler, but the sequencer is really too annoying and I’m far too sloppy and anal about microtiming to Dilla it no quantize. Back to my Octatrack, it seems (with the sp as a cool fx unit / one shot sampler / recorder, though…)


Yeah, I am out of time also. But I would be super intersted to see how you plan to pair the SP404 and the OT together :smiley:

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I can strongly recommend the Polyend Tracker.

I know it’s weird and limited but if you want to go from samples to an arranged track in an evening you really can beat it.

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You know, I made my beat with the SP404, and the sequencer is literally an afterthought.

But once you accept the limitations, the strength lies with resampling.

And to adjust my timing, I changed the tempo a couple beats, but that made the back half really off beat. So I just cut it in half and doubled instead by retriggering my resampled sample halfway through.


Just sent my trash beat. Started yesterday, finished this morning. Not sure it will be listenable but I had fun with it.


@tinara I was thinking something like: OT midi out to SP midi in to trig one shots, send cc to the fx’s and poly play some stuff + OT cue out to SP in, then SP out to OT in, to resample some stuff through the SP fx’s and use it as an audio interface…

@monquixote yeah, the tracker had my interest for a while but I’m not sure I’d be down with only 2 fx rows and a super limited sample time, coming from OT.

@BLKrbbt I bought the SP because I was growing tired of step sequencing, but my timing is really too wack to not use a solid sequencer… and OT stays king for working with breakbeats, I feel. Won’t quit before trying a bit more, tho…


I’m also a big fan of eliminating roadblocks to creation.

If you’re not vibing with the 404, then rock the OT.

I mean…. Clicky buttons>pads

Great post @1-2!

Wanted to reiterate how nice and encouraging everyone is here and that is special considering the history of a hip hop beat battle is not nice at all. Like you will get booed off the stage. It’s a super toxic culture and it’s plain to see if you ever venture onto the MPC dedicated forums. Elektronaughts are bringing the 4 elements back to hip hop :wink:


My entry is submitted.

Can’t wait to hear what you guys have made.

+1 for this community being super supportive. I mainly enter because it’s such a cool place.


Glad your back, I liked your track from last time so much I wanted to hear it again- but the list is down and it’s gone


If you mean my track from last time then I’m thinking about extending it and doing a bit more work on it as I’m quite fond of it.


Yes. I would love to hear it again, let me know if you do, only thing I didn’t like about it was that it ended too soon

I’m last minute scrambling to get my track together for this round because I started so late. Can’t wait to see what others are doing with the source material


Speaking of previous tracks from before I’m going to have to delete the goodfellas battle playlist in order for enough space to put the new battle on as it’s the oldest existing playlist, so if anyone wants download anything from that, just letting you all know


That is indeed the sad result of our soundcloud page running out of upload space…

We could solve this after each battle by each uploading our own track to our own soundcloud and adding them to an elektronauts playlist, but otherwise all battle playlists will have to make room after a while.

IMO we should at least make another beattape with the winning entries after this second year just for historic record keeping purposes haha.


I recently uploaded all my entries to my soundcloud. It’s indeed a shame if they all disappear from the web


Not clear what the prize for the winner is

The winner has the honor to host the next battle :slightly_smiling_face:


In that case I would need to create myself a Soundcloud or we could always create an elektronauts youtube channel and put a playlist on that for future battles.

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If there is no prize, then why bother to establish all these rules? And why should we follow them?