Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #15: Into The Sunset— Morricone edition

There is no skill level requirement here: only what you yourself are ok with submitting, and music is very subjective anyway

Everyone starts from scratch, people on here who aren’t beginners were at one time- I think there is a big range on experience here from pretty new to been doing this a long long time

We’ve all been there

People even comment about there struggles on these battles, nothing wrong with that. Just feels that much better if you get through it

I would still want to hear it if your willing to share, I want to hear some trash beats. The nature of hip hop can lean into the rough and raw. Some artists are more creative when the don’t know what they are doing- unique and original soul expression- than when they learn more overtime; following “the rules” Polishing out mistakes which can give character and becoming more formulaic -music can be more art than science- some great sounds throughout history have come about from doing things “wrong” by established standards. If it works it works

You don’t have to post anything at all or quick unfinished ideas are ok too

I like music but was only messing about and never really finished anything. I joined here for these very battles, for fun and learning. I wasn’t happy with everything I’ve put up but I just wanted to follow through. I’ve submitted to every challenge or close to it, even if it didn’t feel ready or I didn’t have the time I wanted to improve it more. It’s got me actually finishing tracks and I think the improvements will come with repetition and time

If you are feeling self conscious remember that no one knows who you are- and this is a seriously great group. Positivity and encouragement all around. No one is going to make fun of you or anything.

The process can be more enjoyable than the outcome, music can be an infinite road to travel and you never have to stop learning or loving it


Just submitted mine! It took a while before I had something I liked, but I did learn a lot from doing this one again. Can’t wait to hear what everyone made!

@BLKrbbt These battles have been a welcoming place for people trying to get better at this, and even if what you end up with isn’t the greatest thing ever, it can be a learning experience for both the one making it and everyone listening. I’ve picked up a lot of tricks just by checking out what everyone did with the same source material I had. Hope you manage to finish something!


If we can’t $ubmit trash Beat, i retire mine :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Pretty great post this, applicable to approaches way beyond battles


That post is wholesome as all heck.

I grew up in Pittsburgh, and I got some Mr. Rogers vibes from that!


Screenshot 2022-10-29 at 21.32.17

DJ McFeely on the 1’s and 2’s


Just dropping in to say I don’t think I’m gonna have the chance to submit but I might have a play tomorrow and if anything comes of it I’ll chuck it in the mix.

Also mainly wanted to say what a great community we have here :+1:


@1-2 for president!

Finally found one hour to sample some stuff and get started on a lil’ something. Absolutely no time to get a polished result so it will probably end up as a super loopy little interlude with the bare minimum inside… :sweat_smile:


Which means UTC -12 is ok ?
France have pacific islands but apparently it is +12. :content:


It is done.

And I f*ckin love it.


I sent the track to via message if that is okay.


Yeah that’s fine :slightly_smiling_face:
And handy to know for next time

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Just to reinforce what others said before: please don’t feel discouraged. I only started with hip hop production like half a year ago and in my experience, participating in these battles has been a fantastic learning experience.

There is some serious talent here to learn from and the community is amazing. I myself learn a lot simply from committing to something, no matter the end result.

I also learn a lot from reading others notes on how they came to their beats :slight_smile:


That’s what I’m really looking forward to.

The debrief!


Have to cry off this one (and the last) as I’m playing a live set next Friday and need to get my act together. First time playing hardware boxes and years since I’ve played a gig so pretty stoked.
(I think there’s a playing live thread somewhere I’ll put the deets in and the link to the stream). :pray: for me…


Just a friendly reminder that if you’re going to post me your beat, please upload it to google drive or any filesharing site that I can conveniently download in one or two clicks.

Not as a direct upload by private message where I can’t download and only press play or to a video site where I have to convert it myself

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


moved to general hiphop thread, thanks sleepside!


Fun mashup! You might do better sharing this in the general hiphop thread than on a specific battle thread


…don’t we all.

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That sounds so hard!