Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #15: Into The Sunset— Morricone edition

Coming from DT my first elektron then OT my second elektron I quickly find my way to do thing. The sequencer is the same with differents parameters to locks. You don’t have filter, reverb and delay to plock but you can choose 2 fx and plock each parameters.
About sampling, it’s almost the same except you have a complete audio editor to crop, slice, mix, etc, then you save to a slot and let’s go.
One thing I prefere on DT is the velocity trig, you don’t have on OT but you can adjust amp. Also I prefere the compressor of the DT and the overall punch and hi-fi sound for drums.
I much prefere making sample slice on the OT and the drums on the OT is better when using drum breaks (time strech, stereo…)
The best of 2 worlds is DT go in OT so you have your set of drums on the DT and make slicing on OT and try different drums until it’s sound cool.


Thanks for the breakdown. :slightly_smiling_face:

As for chopping I prefer to manually chop at different sections on the sample and any kind of auto chopping that chops at 16ths or whatever doesn’t appeal to me, and not p-locking filters is a big downside for me.
My only plus side would be pitch shifting if it’s as clean sounding as Ableton when on complex mode.

And plus of course I love the way the Digi makes everything sound full and clean.

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You can make manual chops, as much as you want.

You can plock 6 filter parameter and static adjust 6 other filter parameters. You can even make double filter for one track.


Ah I see, thanks mate that sounds impressive :slightly_smiling_face:
I’m gonna have to watch the video @zaezur suggested and maybe a few others

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Edit: Still time to complete! Going to keep working


Finally managed to make something I like on the PT.

Tomorrows job is get it into Bitwig for a bit of fairy dust and then submit.


it’s got that upbeat - jump up, rah rah - thing going. nice

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You still had time if you wanted to enter bro.
The deadline wasn’t till the 1st and the poll won’t go up till the 3rd early evening uk time

I posted this on the sp404 forum as well,

But as I worked on something to submit I realized.


I’m too new to production.

Plus, having a deadline is messing up my creative flow…

I feel stuck.

I might just throw something just to submit something and keep practicing before anything sounds remotely good


Hope you do, nobody here is negativity judgemental, and when you’re taking part in something that gives limitations and time restraints, that really does have a way of bringing out the best In you.
So just keep taking part and you will just find yourself improving, although I’m sure things aren’t as bad as you’re suggesting and it’s good to be your own worst critic :slightly_smiling_face:

For my part, over the last couple of hours I’ve scrapped everything I did previously that I wasn’t entirely happy with and have done something that I’m finally thinking, yeah this is ok.
So keep plodding on is my advice fella


I felt the same when I submitted my first track.

Everyone here is happy you contributed and will give constructive feedback with love.

Great musicians become that way because they allow themselves to be vulnerable enough to put art in the world and learn from the feedback.


Not gonna lie, but I dropped my sequence down to 8 bars and Im finally onto something.


Nice!!! :smiley:


I think I’ll loop the 8 bars a couple time and tack on an intro and be done. I’m getting burnt out from working on this so much in 48 hours


Edit: You’ve got until midnight on the 1st of nov at whatever part of the world we have all reached that date and time, so no rush bro

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Oh wait. This is your challenge! I didn’t know!

Thanks for the encouragement!


Haha yeah this particular one is in conjunction with @1-2.
no worries man.


I must be tripping, thought i read it was due on the 28th, that’s great. I will jump back on it


No, I only requested if you could not send them to me before the 28th :slightly_smiling_face:

Mainly for convenience for myself and also because some file sharing sites delete the file if they haven’t been downloaded for 7 days