Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #15: Into The Sunset— Morricone edition

Bass can come from any source


Unless most of you have used any Morricone soundtrack, which I’m getting a sneaky suspicion of, then I don’t think I’ll have much choice but to change it :joy:

Well I took my samples from a record which had cowboys on the cover so I though I was good… but I think it’s morricone songs from different movies of which some aren’t really westerns.

I’m fine with both options, I can make a completely western one and then I’ll have some cool beats/samples for other uses.

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Ok I think I’m gonna have to sway to what the majority seem to have accidentally misunderstood. :joy:

So the revised rules are these, unless anyone objects…

You must use Ennio Morricone Wild West/cowboy movie soundtracks.

New bonus Rule……

Any non-cowboy Morricone is acceptable if recorded between 1958-2015.


Okay dope, got a cowboy soundtrack


Morricone did so many incredible western scores that it’s getting real hard to pick which ones to sample. :smiley:


Ah. Almost anything by Morricone then.
Why 2015 ?

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Just a bit of a joke really, just my way of saying any Morricone is ok as some misunderstood and have already started using any soundtrack so we may as well say anything is ok but preferably a western soundtrack.
I just don’t want to put those off who have already started from entering

I’ll be using a western when I start

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I started with a western, but as I have a rare CAM label record of Morricone…

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Just doing a little tour to find out how others have used Ennio Morricone and I have to say I remember all these tracks and appreciate em all. https://www.spin.com/2020/07/a-brief-guide-to-the-endless-hip-hop-samples-of-ennio-morricone/

Anyone else have some favorite inspirations of flipping Ennio samples?

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Nice post! I really enjoyed reading that, I wasn’t aware of the method man sample!

The only one I knew of that was an obvious Morricone sample is this from the early 90s
Me and my mates loved this album back then and I’m not sure many people have heard of Madstyle, and it probably sound dated these days I dunno :man_shrugging:
But there’s some great tracks on there like Halls Of Horror which is the first track I heard that sampled Issac Hayes version of Walk on By


Yeah - that prodigy remix of method man was epic I used to play that in a club in my hometown and people who never heard it would go mental. The good old days :slight_smile:

I remember Madstyle! and that little flute riff from Ennio makes the track light enough for those emcees to make it a little posse cut.

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Pffff… I think I need to go visit the saloon before I give it another try. Although the source material is great, I haven’t been able to produce anything I remotely like so far.

Currently struggling with beat trial number 3. Maybe I shouldn’t have watched that Dre documentary (“Another Beat”)…

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hi i’m new to this kind of contest

how should we submit the tracks? post in the thread or via email/dm?

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Dm to yabba on the 28th - 1stnov


That my main problem. Have the feeling to make it just worse…


I struggle as well this time. Great samples, but hard to turn them into hip hop for me :upside_down_face:


Same… morricone has such a recognizable signature sound thats it’s hard to make it sound like something else. Most things I tried sounded like morricone songs with hiphop drums over it haha.

I do have 2 ok-ish beats finished already though, so I will at least submit something :muscle:t3:


I am currently on beat 6… :rofl:

But I think I am on to something now… Going to export the stems from Ableton and see if my OT can sprinkle some fairy-dust on it.


I made 2 different beats out of the same three sample chunks and I don’t like either of em

In fact I turned my Digitakt off with a sense of “O I give up” on my last attempt :joy:

It’s all good practise though I guess