Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #15: Into The Sunset— Morricone edition

Im new to this, and this sounds fun… Im going to work on something for sure.

I may need some help to get it submitted… I believe your saying to wait until the 28th?

Then we just post it in this thread?


@BLKrbbt You’re absolutely welcome to, if you could send it to me by private message in a format I can download via file sharing sites or Dropbox etc any time between the 28th and the 1st.
It will then get uploaded with the others to Soundcloud as a playlist a day or two after that

The beats will be anonymous until voting is complete


I gave up after the first attempt :joy: kudos to any of you that manage to wrangle a beat out of his western ost stuff, not even gonna lie I despise westerns and the music so I’m pretty happy to say yeah but nope…


Haha fair enough, hope we’ll see you on the next one though :slightly_smiling_face:

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Totally! I’ll work it out… Pressure is on! Never competed, but would love to show off the music even if I get tiered low!


Yeah, that would be tough if you got no inspiration… unless you went SUPER granular with the sample… still would have to immerse yourself in music you despise.

That was the route I was taking, not so much granularity but heavy distortion and saturation etc… just sounded like a western being played on a really bad stereo. :sob::rofl:

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You could sent it to a Grindhouse film producer… thats exactly the soundtrack they use!

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I’m so happy this is going down!

And the timing couldn’t be more fortuitous.

I’m getting the new iPad Pro delivered tomorrow and this is the perfect exercise to learn Koala Sampler and the Model D app.

This is so cool.


Welcome @glia & @BLKrbbt happy your joining the fun here


Let’s get it!!!

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hey thanks!

i think when i joined the forum for some reason i didn’t realize contests were still active…glad to be wrong and just in time to try this one

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i haven’t picked this up in days and will probably bang something out right before the deadline.

oh, hey… my ride’s here.


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Thought that was one of the bussey brothers for a second :joy:

Any one else not started yet? some of these comments make me think I should have got on this sooner


I finally got a decent start today. I wasn’t sure if I was going to participate since work has been intense, but this thread has been encouraging. Solidarity with everyone struggling!


I have started but it’s like I may as well not have success wise haha


I had another go last night too, still nope…:man_facepalming:


I have to pass this one. I tried, but lack of time stops me from trying harder