Happy New Year guys!
I think it’s amazing how many people managed to cook up something in between all the Christmas/NY celebrations/preparations/obligations/Covid issues. I hope those of you who got infected with covid recover soon! I’m honoured so many of you still took the time to create something.
Compared to earlier battles there was less immediate feedback going on than usual in the other thread. Apologies for not being more active myself, I sadly had very little time to listen to all submissions last week, and I guess most of you had this problem. My plan is to make up for this in the new year and give each of your beats the attention they deserve during this coming week. I hope everyone does the same thing, and although it’s not part of the rules, I’d love for you guys to not just vote, but give everyone some feedback if possible!
That being said, the voting rules are the same as the last few battles:
- You need to have submitted a beat to vote.
- You cannot vote for yourself.
- You can use whatever criteria you want to judge these tracks but you need to give them a fair chance, which means listening to all of them.
- You’ll choose one 1st place and two runners up.
- Each 1st place vote will count for 2 points. Each runner up vote will count for 1.
**Votes are open until coming Friday (the 7th)
The beats in order of submission: