Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #8 - Voting and Feedback

Yooooooo (since this is hip hop),

Time to listen and get voting!

As I said in the submission thread, great to see new and returning heads get involved in this one and a great selection of varied styles and sounds :+1: :+1:

  • You need to have submitted a beat to vote.
  • You cannot vote for yourself.
  • You can use whatever criteria you want to judge these tracks but you need to give them a fair chance, which means listening to all of them.
  • You’ll choose one 1st place and two runners up.
  • Each 1st place vote will count for 2 points. Each runner up vote will count for 1.
  • Feel free to give mention to those that didn’t quite make your top spots but you really dug. It’s always hard to narrow things down.

Thanks again to rockpapergoat and Doug for the collab on the idea and their sample choices!

Votes are open until next Wednesday (the 16th) - Hope that’s cool with everyone

The beats in order of submission:





















Fuck, that was a lot of link gathering :sweat_smile:



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MY PIcks:
#1: Surfacescan

runner up: Rockpapergoat
runner up: Doug


wow, awesome standards in this battle.

#1 @looms - the vibe just got me

@Doug - lovely sound as per
@Sleepyhead - for the vibe switch

but some serious grooves from everyone else.
special shout @xyzer, really enjoyed your way-out scape.


Wrong track for @xyzer mate, my bad :joy: Waiting on a link from them. It is a cool track though!

haha, it did stick out, i was like how did they get those textures from 92…??? :slight_smile:

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Damn! So much good stuff in here. I had a really hard time picking only one, but in the end I picked the one that made me instantly bob my head:

#1 @drrumble

As I said, it was really hard for me as @Doug did his magic again, especially with how that bass fits into the mix.

Thanks everyone for all the inspiration, and thanks for organizing this!

  1. @surfacescan
  2. @looms
  3. @doug

Great stuff from everyone. Always very impressed


Cheers, I posted this as a private track since it’s so different from my typical stuff. Just changed to public to make it easier for voting. Kind of went off on my own tip with some of the samples, hah!

Really appreciate the shout out @waftlord, I’m my own worst critic, but was really pleased with this one and had fun working within the rules and samples.


Thanks! I’ve added it to the top.

@Jedilicious Hey man, can you give two runners up please?
@Unifono Just your winner and two runners up please mate!

Ah, apologies:

  1. @drrumble
  2. @Doug
  3. @Sleepyhead
  1. @waftlord
  2. @Doug
  3. @Unifono

Suggestion for the next round: don’t let @Kpucski slide on these weak submissions, he needs some motivation:)

Nicely done, everyone.



Got to give it to @surfacescan, excellent piano riffs layered in and smooth mixing

Runners up @Synu and @looms


Tough to choose

I’m going to go:

  1. @looms
  2. @Doug @Unifono

Honorable mentions go to @waftlord,
@surfacescan, and @Sleepyhead

I’m honestly really impressed with how well everyone did with flipping that.


My votes are:

  1. @Unifono: great use of the piano loops (love them)
  2. @rockpapergoat: great hip-hop mood
  3. @Yabba : love how they mangled the voice to obtain that background melody

As I said this was my first (but not last) submission to the battles. I learn a lot listening to all you people, how you manage the original samples, how you split and combine them. Thank you!


sorry. Edited my post

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My types

  1. @waftlord - aaaah that ghostface voc and mangling effects, yeah yummy
  2. @Doug - great synth bass and sample combine
  3. @Unifono - super mood

Big up everyone :smiley:


Nice work from everyone and difficult to choose as always but I went with

1: @unifono

2 @looms

3 @surfacescan @sleepyhead as a joint third

Have a good weekend all :slightly_smiling_face:


1st place:
@PineappleDave - Easy first place for me. What a vibe. Really creative and took the samples to another planet. Double time rhythmic head nodding, screw face material at its finest :fire:

Runners up:
@DimensionsTomorrow - Some liquid swords type shit. Where’s GZA at?! Filth. Again took the samples somewhere completely different. Wicked.
@rockpapergoat - Really cool chops, sound/mix and arrangement that keeps it interesting. Top tune.

Honorable mentions:
Waftlord - I feel like I’m listening to ghostly international techy hip-hop I downloaded from Napster in 2001.
Dr Rumble - You have that boom bap sound nailed!
Sleepyhead - Especially the second half. Really dig the synth line.
Roman01 - Dig the synthy squelch sounds and skittery vox.
Jedilicious - Really like the grittiness of this.
Doug - Always tight and put together so well. Lovely sound.
Yabba - Lots of little subtle change ups/sprinkles/breaks to this make it really cool to me.
XYZer- Great sound to this.


Lemme start by giving props to everyone in here - I can feel everyone’s personality coming through AND - how many good beats there are in here. So hard to choose - I needed to listen to each 2 or 3 times and even come up with my own criteria for deciding.

  1. :trophy: @Synu - I love the drum programming and the vocoder type chorus. Fat bass line. Lots of room to breathe. I feel like of all of our beats, and this one I felt uses all the elements from the source material in both a creative way but also allows us beatmakers to recognize the original pieces in a way thats like :smile_cat:. And the reason it climbs to the top for me is that it has that it keeps that 92 head nod vibe. So many good beats, I needed some criteria to decide, and that was it. Congrats!

  2. :man_singer:t4: @Unifono - I feel like you nailed that Sade bassline - which is soooo good in the original and surprisingly hard to reuse (I know cause I tried!) Listening to your beat I felt like I was in some underground 90’s club in London or Bristol in England and Portishead or Massive Attack were chillin out and getting ready to come on stage. The piano builds and those high vocals create that atmosphere. Damn, makes me nostalgic for when producers from North America and Europe were riffing off of each other’s movements - pushing the art to the next level. Triphop being born somewhere in there…

  3. :space_invader: :robot: @waftlord - I love your programming. There is so much going on in there. Really busy and keeps my intellect stimulated while still having that head nod effect. Props! I confess I don’t know exactly where the original samples are (call me old school) but I could tell it was cut from the same cloth as the rest of our beats. I do wish the beat/bass popped out a bit more and went a bit deeper in the mix. I laughed out loud when you said it sounds like a limewire download. That helped me realise your are from that generation and you know exactly what you are doing with this beat.

Mad props to all again - and thanks for this community. It’s been so fun.

Thanks @looms and @rockpapergoat and @Dougfor putting this challenge together!