Elektronauts Hiphop Beat Battle #8 - Voting and Feedback

Well deserved win @looms! Looking forward to what @Unifono and @surfacescan come up with!


@looms big up! I love that beat you put together. Love those triplet hihats in there - it was like they were driving the beat forward like a trucker on a mission.

@Unifono - major honour to be able to work with you on hosting the next battle.

It would be great to hear what that involves if someone can recap in this thread?

Big respect and thanks to all who participated and put them into this. And to those who voted for my entry - thank you. It felt really good to get those mentions. It was a great excuse to get back to 92 and study some of those masters.


Thanks for the feedback and the props on the belated Tribe track. I think I approached this one in a similar fashion, moulding the beat around an accapella I wanted to use. I think thats why its a bit sparse, long and laid back west coast vibe. For those who are curious I imagined it going like thisā€¦

For fun because Iā€™m kinda into doing a series, I am planning to make a video remix out of it tooā€¦


Pharcyde remix sounds awesome man! Fits perfectly.

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Thanks guys :+1: :+1:

Itā€™s definitely a good idea to check out the previous battle formats for ideas and you can pretty much copy and paste one of the previous battle posts, swapping out with the new rules, sample sources, deadline when creating a new one.

One of you will need to do the hosting (posting!) and in the previous ones Iā€™ve done Iā€™ve collaborated over messages with folks where weā€™ve suggested themes, decided on a theme and then chosen samples each.

Hope thatā€™s helpful and if any veterans want to chime in please do.


Completely agree, you guys can just keep it simple and copy one of the previous ones and update it if youā€™re ready. No hurry.

One thing Iā€™ll add is that weā€™ve changed the way of selecting samples since starting out. The hosts now pick the samples, instead of everyone posting one. This made the battles more focussed and the entries more comparable.

Youā€™re completely free to set your own rules though!


I have already suggested one idea for a battle to @surfacescan.
Letā€™s see if he likes it :upside_down_face:


Hi @Unifono and @looms I am really looking forward to collaborating on this one. Unifono already has some awesome ideas.

I am in the middle of a big move with my family and will need until at least next week to clear some space to work on this. Hope that timing is ok. If not, let me know.


Hope the move goes well man! No rush on my part. My job here is done :smiley:

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Take your time and good luck. I hope the move goes well.

Fingers crossed for a new battle posted over the weekend, Iā€™ve got a few days off work then wonā€™t have any time from the middle of next week for a while.

I realise Iā€™m being completely selfish with this request :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: and understand if people ainā€™t ready yet.

Once Iā€™m done with this finals week Iā€™ll be 100% ready for some action :sunglasses:

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Action coming very soon


busy with work over hereā€¦ take your time!

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Hi RPG, hope allā€™s good.
If a new battle was posted, it could still have a long submission time, even a month away so everyone has plenty of time.