Elektronauts in northern california?

So I used to live down in socal with tons of music scene and Elektronauts. Now I am in northern California and hard to find jam sessions especially now with COVID. Are there any Elektronauts here in Sacramento? Would be fun to get a jam group going so after COVID we can do events. I am getting into modular more now but still make heavy use of my two Elektron boxes.

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What genre(s) are you interested in playing? What kind of folk are you compatible with?
I moved further north (humboldt) a few years ago but spent a good 10 years living in or just outside the greater Sacramento area. There’s a lot of great musicians lurking around, but much like any other city, it takes a while to get tapped in. Keep an eye on SubMerge and SacNews&Review for who’s playing shows/dropping albums locally.
UC Davis has a great college radio station that serves as a good local platform and bulletin board for events… local bands get played often depending on the host/show/timeslot… 90.3 KDVS. https://kdvs.org/


ambient, experimental and industrial techno music are the genres I play. I prefer easy going people who are patient, open minded and no egos willing to share equally and collaborate. Big issue with a lot of musicians is the ego and id take over thus ruin bands often times. Thanks for the heads up. After COVID, I need to hit up KDVS as I am an Aggie UCD grad and it is in my backyard. Would be fun to play a set on my Elektrons and modular for the station to get noticed and meet like minded folks.


I’m in Sacramento. Keep an eye on the Red Museum when things open up. It’s an art space/ small music venue that my cousin runs. They have a lot of very cool events and specifically host a monthly (pre covid) Sunday morning modular/experimental thing called Audio Waffle (yes there are waffles available).


Good information to know. I’m also in the greater Sacramento area. Will have to check out the Red Museum soon!


I’m in Sacramento as well. Definitely down for meet-ups or jams once things get stabilized. @Cepheid and @sacguy71, I think I’ve reached out to both of you at one time or another. FYI, I am 45 (how the hell did that happen?) but feel comfortable working/hanging with people both younger and older. I’ve been a traditional musician since my teens, lots of bands, and started dj’ing around ‘96. I had the odd piece of hardware here and there, but only got serious about electronic music production around 2011-2012. Downtempo, ambient, experimental, synthwave, IDM, and tech-funk are my jams, but honestly, I love it all. Always down to learn more. I also appreciate the egoless approach. It’s all about the music, man :sunglasses:


Also, where the hell has @Open_Mike been? He’s Nor-Cal too, but seems to have disappeared from Elektronauts…


If ever I can break away from a full time job and 2 toddlers I’d be happy to meet up. No ego here, just love the tunes! Also curious as to where @Open_Mike has been.

I get it. Adulting is rough. Full-time job here too, but no kids. We get to send the niece/nephew home with their parents after watching them, haha.

Yeah, I hope Open Mike is ok. I’ve been a bit worried since his absence corresponded with the onset of Covid-19.

nice well I am no spring chicken either but love creating music and jam sessions. Guess it keeps me young.

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