Elementary questions about program preservation

I am Japanese and I am typing this text using DeepL.
I have been using Digitone for a few days now, and I had some problems with saving projects, so I did a factory reset.
I am using it while reading the manual, but I am new to synthesizers and there are many things I don’t understand, and even watching YouTube videos is difficult for me to understand because I don’t understand English. I would like to get some useful information from the people here.
It’s a long story, but I think communication will progress better if you know what my situation is, so before I get into the questions, I will write the operation after the factory reset.

  1. I selected bank C, which has no factory pattern in it, and pressed TRIG1 in the PTN menu. 2.
  2. I typed notes into the selected pattern as I saw fit.
  3. i gave the pattern a name.
    I went to the Pattern menu, opened “save to project”, chose whole pattern, and saved the pattern I just created. 5.
  4. the words “Write protected” appeared on the screen.
    I pressed “Save project as” and selected the name of the project I was currently working on.
  5. the words “Write protected” appear on the screen.
    ↑This is my first question. Why can’t I write?
    I created a new project from “Load project”.
  6. I gave a name to the project. After that, the words “Initializing project” appeared on the screen. After that, the word “Success” appears on the screen.
  7. All the pattern names in bank A of the newly created project were “untitled”, so I could see that the project was switched from the factory project.
  8. as before, I typed notes into the pattern as appropriate. I then tried to save the pattern to a project, but the words “unsaved project” appeared on the screen.
    ↑(This is my second question. Why was the pattern saved in the factory project, but not in the project I created?)
    The above two are my questions. I am waiting for your answers.
    (I would love to post a picture of my digitone, but I can’t because I’m a new user, sorry!)

Welcome to the forum!

I hope that we can help you with your problems. First, can we ask whether you have downloaded the Japanese manual for the Digitone from Elektron’s website?

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Thank you!
I am viewing the manual here. I do not have the paper manual as I purchased it used.
Sorry, it’s nighttime in Japan, so my reply will be tomorrow.


Project №1 on the Digitone is write protected by default (it has factory patterns)
If you are inside this project, you cant save changes into it, regardless of which bank you are in. Because project contains all banks, and all patterns in each bank.

You can edit and play with the patterns inside write protected project, but you cant overwrite.

When you created new project (your step 6), it was initialised on the machine, but not saved into memory yet. Because of that you could not save pattern to it. (Project is in the RAM still, not saved)
So it show N/A Unsaved Project on the screen!

But no need to worry! There is an easy way to save your progress and all your patterns!
Remember that Project contains all patterns in all banks? If you save Project, you save all patterns.
Buttons FUNC + Cogwheel (save project) will save everything you did inside the project (patterns, notes, sounds…)

Function that you tried “pattern menu -> save to project” is convinient for transferring patterns between existing projects.

“Save Project” is used to save your ongoing work. :v:

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Thanks for the reply!
I immediately pressed FUNC+Save Project.
Then I saw the list of projects on the screen.
I press the name of the project I have open and the screen says "overwrite(name of project)?
Sorry for asking so many details. I am a beginner and I don’t want to make a mistake and then panic and make one mistake after another.

When saving new project that was created recently, its good to save into empty memory slot.

After you save project for the first time and give it name, buttons FUNC+Save Project will automatically choose the same memory slot as destination, and will only ask you if you want to rewrite the original, with your current version of the same project. (like a quick save in a game)

Its good to do so if you are happy with the changes you have made to the project.
Otherwise you can reload, or choose a different memory slot to save, so that you have different versions. (“save project as” is like saving a fresh project, and you get to choose name and slot again, if you want)

Its okay to experiment and make mistakes! Thats how i learned too!
Manual has all the data structure covered, but it can take multiple reads to understand!

Thanks for the reply.
I pressed FUNC+Save project and selected my own newly created project. Then the “save project as” screen came up and I renamed it (I gave it the same name). Then I was able to overwrite the project and save it! Neither the number of projects nor their names changed before and after the overwrite, so this means I successfully overwrote them, right?
“ Its okay to experiment and make mistakes! Thats how i learned too!”
Yes, it is! I think it is important.


Yes, i think you got it!
Have a great time exploring music with the Digitone! :tongue:

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