Empty patterns in song mode

Was working on arranging a song and I need certain sections to have no drums in it while just synths play from the Monomachine. The only way I’ve figured out how to do this is to either use a pattern with nothing going on in it as place holder, or muting all the elements of a pattern and placing it in the song list on the MD. Is there no way to just set a rest of a certain amount of bars via the song arranger? I couldn’t find the answer in the manual.

There is no way to put an empty space into an MD song.

I’m not sure from your question whether you’re specifically aware of this, but you can program the mutes in the appropriate row(s) in the Song mode itself rather than have to sacrifice a pattern for use as a placeholder.

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There is no way to put an empty space into an MD song.

I’m not sure from your question whether you’re specifically aware of this, but you can program the mutes in the appropriate row(s) in the Song mode itself rather than have to sacrifice a pattern for use as a placeholder.[/quote]
Like Peter said just program mutes in song mode. I have both machines as well and this to my knowledge is the only solution.
If you want to arrange a song with both machines in sync you will need too have a Song mode running on both machines.
It’s kind of a pain in the arse but it works. If you get creative with the mutes you can get allot of mileage out of just a few patterns on each machine specially if you change the pattern lengths in song mode as well as start points. Would love to hear if anybody has any other tricks or advise. I once had both song modes running with differnent pattern lengths on each machine via song mode. Things got out of order fast but it sounded interesting.