End MD uw?

I just typed a extremely long post with several links of why I think the MD is gonna be discontinued…

this fucking forum ate my post! thanks elektron … seriously this should not happen …


MD uw +drive seems to be not part of thomann product range anymore, and my local berlin shop just music throws these out for 800 (or was it 900) right now …


not gonna type all of this again…

Yeah I saw this earlier and was extremely confused:


Note that the non-UW is out of stock.

If this is true, what would be the reasoning behind abandoning the UW, yet keeping the non-UW? :frowning:

Also, could you please provide the links to those local Berlin shops? Wouldn’t mind getting a UW for 900e :slight_smile:



says 999 … but I was there yesterday, there was a big pile of MD UW + and I was surprised to see them for 800 , or was it 900 ?

EDIT : just called them, pesonal pickup only 899 uw + drive… damn price

call the shop and ask for a pickup price… or I call them for you …pm me…

reason for Thomann still having the non UW … here is my theory:

the price decrease led to a run for the UW + Drive models. Which are now OUT , O U T … gone …

the remaining products are the non UW + drive models, since they werent so heavily sought after …

my personal little theory. … :slight_smile:

strange - now this is something where a clear statement from Elektron would be highly welcome. Is the MDUW silently becoming a collectors item…?

I honestly thing everybody is jumping to conclusions.

My reasoning is - they said they needed to ‘clear the shelfs’…so they had some built.
Boom - that didn’t take long, they’re gone.
Then folks start getting dates for delivery pushed back, then pushed back again.

To me it doesn’t make sense that they’d ‘push back delivery’ if they were literally just picking a box off a shelf and mailing it. To me, that sounds like they started doing more runs of these boxes to keep up with demand.

As I’ve said in the monomachine similar thread, I think if anything, they’ve found the perfect price point to keep these things flying off the shelves.

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why is thomann out of MD UW+ then? if you allow me that question jeffe :slight_smile:

…i paid a visit to Justmusic the other week as well and did see the same pile of MDs TrabanT saw…not sure but yeah, the price was around 800/900 …
was kinda tempted to ermm…just grab one and run away :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: … mm…
regardless of whether the MD will be/not discontinued, i would like to have one next to the MM…aaach…toooomanytoyz! :smiley:

Probably because they’ve sold them all… :confused:
They will probably get more in stock when Elektron have some more to send them

We have more in stock soon (will be sent to retailers as well)


why is thomann out of MD UW+ then? if you allow me that question jeffe :)[/quote]
Because they are out of stock everywhere. I think the rush exceeded expectations.

I got a brand new one from Perfect Circuit Audio in California 2 weeks ago.

Been waiting 3 months for mine to show up. Please ship some to Canada!!!

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Thanks so much for that info, I reserved the unit last week and made the initial payment of 700, and will pay the rest this week and have it finally picked up and sent to me! :slight_smile:

Funny thing though, I reserved it on Wednesday for 900e and looking at the site now, the price has gone up to 999. O.o