Entering notes in stepsequencer from a midi keyboard

I’m sure I’m missing something obvious, but I don’t seem to be able to enter notes in the stepsequencer from a midi keyboard.
What I’m doing is:

  • Hold a step button
  • Press a note on the midi keyboard

Am I missing something?

yeah, you are missing something … like assigning midi channles correctly, allow midi receive on the a4, make the midi keyboard do midi send, off course on the correct channel …

all in all I would say you are on the right track…

does it work just by playing the midi keyboard ? if so, nothing should be in your way…

If I play on my midi keyboard the A4 plays, so that should work, If I change channel on the midi keyboard, the A4 plays a different channel, so that works fine too.
So all midi works as expected, apart from entering note step by step in the sequencer…

Hi Im a newbie in A4 yet :slight_smile: but don’t you have to “live record” (and then quantize and all) rather than “grid record” so that’ll work?

fucking hell goddamnit … just tried to verify what I was saying was correct … and now it does not work on my A4 either … fuck!


TRY autochannel on midi keyboard = channel 9 … can also be changed in a4 settings what auto channel is …

then it works!

Seems to work now, I would have expected it to work without a need for any changes though…