Envelope Shapes 8-11 Gate lengths

Hello there,

If you (like me) always wondered how fast the envelopes of the A4 really can be, here’s a fraction of an answer. I played around with envelope types 8-11 – the ones with immediate attack and gate functionality – to find out how long the gate stays open in seconds.

Attack Duration (sec)
0 0,000
1 0,004
2 0,007
3 0,010
4 0,014
5 0,018
6 0,022
7 0,026
8 0,030
9 0,035
10 0,040
11 0,045
12 0,050
13 0,056
14 0,062
15 0,068
16 0,075
17 0,082
18 0,089
19 0,096
20 0,104
21 0,112
22 0,121
23 0,130
24 0,140
25 0,150
26 0,161
27 0,172
28 0,184
29 0,196
30 0,208
31 0,222

I was lazy and stopped after the first 32 values, because I was interested only in these specifically. But maybe these rough numbers are of value for someone else, too.