Eowave Quandrantid Swarm

What was the other type MIDI TRS you found worked? I cannot get MIDI to work.

I have one that gets no signal at all and one where I can hear the synth but cannot get it to sequence at all.

Just in case, at the risk of stating the obvious, but did you hit start already? You need to press start before sending the midi clock transport message

To make the Swarm reveive receive Midi clock, you need to hold Shift while powering the unit on and press key no. 8. This is in the manual, but I did not understand it at first. There is an exchange about this higher up in this thread.

Anyone tried using sync from a Volca to the clock in on the Swarm?

I donā€™t have a volca. But Iā€™ve had no problems slaving swarm to Digitakt, Tr8s or DFAM.

I remember that Volcaā€™s sync isnā€™t quite like a normal clock output, Googling quickly now I see that itā€™s at 2ppqn but otherwise should work where a clock signal works.

Yeah same Iā€™ve given up using MIDI. But really want to give this device a go.

Thanks just Googled it as well. i think Iā€™m going to try getting hold of a Keystep to sequence over CV. With it slaved to MPC. I was looking at the Korg SQ-1 but this only has MIDI out and no MIDI in.

Yeah I thought the same. Itā€™s good to check which device can change ppq clock counts. I think itā€™s possible with Beatstep / Keystep.

Not sure if this works with every Volca (I suppose), but on Volca Sample you can adjust the sync resolution in global parameter settings (Step8: Sync input/output unit), 2 (default) or 4 ppqn (once a step).

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How have you synced the Tr8s/Tr6s to the swarm?

Iā€™m not sure how to go about it :grimacing:

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I use the trigger out on the TR8s into the clock in of the swarm, ensure you press the seq start button on the bottom right of the swarm then start the TR8s seq running. Hopefully the Tr6s has trigger out too (3.5m mini jack socket).
Hope that help you, Good luck and have fun!

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Thank you so much! Gonna give it a shot. Mylrmelodies wasnā€™t kidding, this thing is a dirty wild techno machine!

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Yep, itā€™s one crazy mutha! I love it :heart:

This thing is just completely awesome. Added it to the live setup immediately. The sweet spot is huge. if you like gnarly dissonant noises. :man_shrugging:t3:

I put the suggested yellow caps on the knobs and it really helps seeing things better in the dark plus it gives a bit more control. Only didnā€™t put them on the sequencer knobs. And good to realize if you want to use those caps: thereā€™s no way they will come off, ever.

Build quality feels a bit flimsy but at the same time Iā€™m not worried to travel with it.

Edit: one more thing I noticed is that the sequencer steps are indeed not very responsive. But the fix for this is really covering them the the top of your finger rather than only with the tip of your finger.


And use moisturiser on your hands. It helps a lot with contact. :smiley:


Thatā€™s what she said


The drool dripping on the device while using it seems to be sufficient

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Thatā€™s what she said


Is the tuning ok with your other devices?

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