Eowave Quandrantid Swarm

Which knobs are these, I hate the originals. Thanks

I ordered a set of standard no-name potentiometer buttons off Amazon. I had to try various sizes until I found the right size. The ones I now have are 25mm large at the base and 15mm high.

I just tried to pull the knobs off to change them. The silver ring with the numbers on popped off but the knobs stayed in place. Am I missing something? Thanks

Mine had a little screw on the side (shafts are round, not D-shape).

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Ahhhhhh, how did I not see the screws! :frowning:

Anybody know/figured out what the cv in pitch takes voltage wise. Iā€™m having some trouble getting it to play the same sequences as a second voice.

Today I noticed that the spread knob seems to have a (sometimes) unresponsive zone at the beginning of the knob turn. Meaning that it doesnā€™t seem to respond consistently to input from 7-9 oā€™clock, and turning it all the way down can result in a very different setting/sound every time I turn the knob up and then all the way down again. Did I only just notice this and/or is this the pot already failing on me? :thinking:

Would anyone perhaps be willing to confirm whether or not this is just my machine? :slight_smile:

Checked the behavior while changing the value through the spread-mod cv-in, and through that manner of control it also doesnā€™t come down to the same setting/sound. So this might actually be a feature of the sound engine machine :man_shrugging: :thinking:

Yes I think so. I use it to my advantage when I want to change the sound but keep it at no spread.

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Ok thx :pray: for the confirm.

(And you mean by temporarily turning it up and down again right?)

Yes indeed.

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Just another level of chaos with this machine. Gotta ride the flow :smile:


Yeah the chaos is dope. Must say though that Iā€™ve gotten quite good at (generally :joy:) recreating and dialing in most of the sound pallete on the first three oscillator types. I donā€™t really like the result Iā€™m getting with the others, or at least very few sweet spots, so Iā€™m less familiar with them.

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I Just caved in ordered myself one of these, despite the minor flaws iā€™ve read about, it sounds just amazing and totally hands on.


Itā€™s really dope man :ok_hand:

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My Swarm arrived yesterday, this thing puts a big smile on my faceā€¦canā€™t wait to get more acquainted with it. But for now, while the whole world awaits Syntakt release detailsā€¦I made this little screaming bastard :smiley:


Does anyone else have issue with the little keypads? I just bought a Swarm used, but the little pads are SUPER hard to trigger by touch. I feel like this is not working right.

Edited: Seems like I am not the only one with this issue. :confused: But @AdamJay suggested I actually TRY to fat finger the pads and that works.

No pads problem here.

Lick yer fingers! Or get some moisturiser on them.


Played with this at superbooth 2022 through a Metallik Resonator Speaker. Such a cool sound :slight_smile: (part 1 of the video)


Anyone seen anything about getting a CV out from this?
I know you can use the LFO set to sequencer, but thatā€™s not synced to the sequencer is it?

Would be a great mod for it if possible.

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