Eowave Quandrantid Swarm

Yes I agree, it fits very well in a mix when combined with analog sounds.

I am getting amazing drones out of it.
I ll test it with the M:C

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Here are some dreamy tunes with the Quadrantid Swarm.


Very cool!

Do you know how to midi clock sync the QS via midi?

I would like to sync it to a Digitone but I cannot make it working.

What are you struggling with in particular?

Iā€™ve got mine synced to my OT.

basically I have connected it to the digitone, via midi with digitone being the master when I click play on Digitone the QS does not start.

I can control and play it via midi using the DN keyboard though

In midi settings, have you checked send clock and transport is ON?

Yes I did - I also tried with a Rytm, nothing, the QS sequencer does not start.

Maybe it is a setting on the QS?

I know this is a dumb question, but have you got any active steps on the QS sequencer?

How have you got the clock divisions set on the QS, I think it needs to be at 12 oā€™clock for it to match incoming MIDI clock

Yes I have.

Is there any setting on the QS I need to set up?

Shit, Iā€™ve just remembered, you have to start the QS in config mode and select step 8 for it to work.

Hang onā€¦

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Ahhh! I have not done this. How do I start it in Config mode?

Iā€™m just trying to find it, 2 minsā€¦

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Thank you! I ll try it later.

The manual is written very badly.

Yeah, itā€™s awful.

It really is as easy as powering up with shift pressed, then pressing the 8th step, then power cycling.


My QS is synced to the TR-8 via the Volca FM. I think itā€™s the cheapest and easiest way.

It works!
thank you mate!

The midi clock is so cool.

I have just done an ambient noise live set with Digitone QS and OTO BIm and the QS is incredibly fun

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Itā€™s great isnā€™t it.

I thought Iā€™d be doing loads of acidy type stuff with mine, but Iā€™ve ended up making loads of clangy FM sort of bell sounds with it. Itā€™s really good at percussive stuff.

The acid stuff is cool too but I prefer using the Lifeforms for those kind of sounds.

I love the FM perc and the drone evolving sounds.

It is unique I donā€™t have any synths sounding like the QS

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