Eowave Quandrantid Swarm

Haven’t felt any gas for over two years. Though this has been making me :drooling_face: a bit lately

Can anyone comment on how quick the Swarm is get going on and to make interesting sounds and sequences? I have limited time with a toddler and most of my spare time learning the piano. I’m looking something quickly make techno with pairing with an MC101.

It’s very quick. All the squiggly lines make it look more complicated than it is, it’s actually really simple.

I accepted the :drooling_face:, gave in to the :drooling_face: one should be arriving here shortly :relieved: excellent

hello folks, does anyone successfully control QSwarm with Digitakt via jack-MIDI adapter?

Yeah, you need to turn MIDI control on via the following method.

Thanks for reply. I’ve tried the manual way without success.

I have connected MIDI out (DT) to MIDI-jack adapter (QS). On the DT all MIDI sends are on and MIDI channel 1 is activated (I run other gear by MIDI with DT easily). I power up QS holding Shift. Buttons are blinking. I tap a note on DT midi channel 1 and press start on QS. Keyboard doesn’t play neither a sequence starts. Tried on different cables and pressing this SYNC option, same sht. What am I missing?

Have you tried setting it to a different MIDI channel?

What’s the auto channel set to on the Digitakt?

Yes I’ve tried different channels, even all notes. It seems like QS doesn’t receive any MIDI signal.
Auto channel is set to 1.

Does the QS sequencer start when you hit the start button on it and it’s connected to the Digitakt?

I’ve sold mine, but I think I remember the start button has to be pressed to get it to listen to midi.

Yes - QS goes with internal clock. Seqencer doesn’t start only when I select SYNC on QS, but still no responding to DT keyboard. I’ve also did a try and connected QS to Keystep and same problem occurs.

Can’t think of anything else, I’d contact eowave,ight be a dud.

I will, thanks anyway:)

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Have you tried a different MIDI TRS cable? There are 2 types, and you might just need to use the other type.

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So I finally had some time to play around with mine, and it is and sounds exactly as gnarly as I expected. :grin:

The quality of most of the little plastic knobs is really quite bad though :thinking: They are lose, wobbly, and most of them have this quite “uneven” resistance when you turn them, making it harder to do precise small tweaks.

The weird thing is also that there are one or two knobs that are exactly as you would expect them to be, not wobbly and with an even resistance and those are the parameters you expect to tweak the least. (Slew for example). The once that you expect to tweak the most are by far the worst (character knob is the worst). This made me wonder wether or not my swarm might have had a previous owner, although the packaging had no obvious signs of b-stock.

I had taken the reports of low build quality into account when deciding to buy it, but I have too few reference points to determine wether or not this is the reported low build quality or something more. My only other modular piece is a DFAM, which does have similar small plastic pods and some have developed the same lose/uneven resistance, but only after quite some use, it didn’t arrive that way as the swarm did. (They were all like the slew pod :man_shrugging:t2:)

Anyone want to share what theirs were like when the got them out of the box? (I still have a couple days left to take this up with the retailer if that turns out to be warranted)


Maybe contact Eowave as well…

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I don’t have mine anymore, but the quality of the knobs on mine wasn’t great. Perfectly useable, but there were definite inconsistencies between them in terms of how they felt.

Wasn’t a deal breaker for me, but they were definitely a bit ropey.

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Would you mind sharing what was your deal breaker, eventually?
I’d like to be discouraged to acquire one…

Stopped making the sort of music it excels at/wanted room in my rack for more spicy modules.

It’s really a lot of fun though.

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I thought I had properly discouraged myself from acquiring one, but, as turned out to be the case, I just had that confused with it being unavailable for quite some time. :hear_no_evil: I’m also afraid that the quality of the knobs and their ridiculously close proximity to each other compared to the fast amount of empty space on the panel, so far, kinda seem to be it in the complaints department. (Really I don’t see how you can operate this if you have giant hands that worked as a blacksmith for 30 years)

Other than that it’s kinda exactly what you think it is after watching some of the good demovideos, almost annoyingly so. Especially since I have serious issues with wobbly knobs, I have no patience or respect for their unnecessary and overdone prevalence in much hardware, yet here I am, already making excuses for the cheap plastic bastard. :see_no_evil:

@Fin25 Thx for the confirmation (and the adjective “ropey” to describe such knobs, covers it perfectly. I can’t believe I never ran into it before)

If they stay like they are, its indeed usable, not so sure about how much deterioration that can take though before it becomes unusable. Did it see much use while you had it? Atleast they seem like cheap and basic pods that shouldn’t be to hard to replace I guess, were some to fail in the future.