Eowave Quandrantid Swarm

I didn’t have mine long, but I used it a fair amount, didn’t notice any knobs getting worse.

They’d be an absolute piece of piss to replace though, do I wouldn’t worry about it.

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thx mate. Checking out your Bandcamp at the moment and I quickly found it’s presence :joy:. Digging the Asimov track and the level of “dirt” on it, it’s “just right” for my taste.

I really enjoy the QS. I think you get a lot more mileage out of the sequencer by pairing it with a clock divider or trigger sequencer for the clock and reset inputs. I would almost consider that a necessary accessory.

But I use mine mostly with the touch plates for a tuned keyboard and just playing by hand. Some of the voices even have pressure modulation. Add a crunchy delay to it’s output and you have an alternative to the Lyra-8…

I’ve added knob caps to all the pots, but ended up having to take them off of the step pots because they made me accidentally bump the tuning way more often when using the touch plates. All the other pots have plenty of room for the knob caps though

Do the caps improve their ropey-ness? :thinking:

Yeah. Had it hooked in this setting the last couple of hours, very groovy


Yes that’s the case, thanks. Probably the guy who sold QS to me attached the wrong type adapter. Solved!

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For anyone deciding wether or not to buy one and reading this in the future: Had a chat with the retailer, nice guy, and he says they are all equally littered with sup-par knobs. Apparently the same goes for the weather drones

They also seem to have one left in stock and ship throughout Europe, if anyone is still looking but only finding back-orders.

BTW that “manual” :man_facepalming:t2:, does anybody perhaps have a list of accepted voltages for the ins and outs? Also kinda wish the lfo came with a depth parameter :thinking: ah well ^*^

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jamming with mine. this is a new fave for sure:


Yeah saw/listened to your jam a couple of weeks ago and was happy to notice that I’m not the only one making excuses for it. ^*^ (it’s really dope, I agree)

Btw I really enjoyed listening to your musings and observations of the rytm as well. Again happy to note that I’m not the only one who relates to that machine this way :joy: 27 minutes of “exactly”

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For those using the desktop Swarm, how are you handling the eurorack level audio output? Attenuating? Into some FX? Direct to a mixer?


So you just set the gain low on the mixer?

yes I plug the Eowave in the first channel of my mackie 1204 mixer and reduce the input gain.

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Am I the only one having issues with the touchpads? here at home in the studio I have been having occasional mild problems:

-Pads not willing to turn on or of
-Touching a pads affecting more than one pad
-On rare occasion affecting neighboring pads or even nonadjacent pads

I hadn’t given it much thought because the problem is mild, usually solved by using a different finger :point_up_2:t2:/:fu:t2: and it doesn’t happen that often that it’s a problem in sequencer mode.

However, I took it out to a live gig for the first time last Saturday and while setting up the problem was many, many times worse, completely unusable. Touching one pad would affect almost all pads, flickering, turning on and of, complete disco. Tried a couple power cycles, wouldn’t fix it, so I went to get my buddy to show him the problem, he touched it a couple of times and with every touch the problem became less and less, which made it usable again :thinking:

Could this (just) be a temperature thing? Before setting up, my gear-bags had been sitting in a pretty cold space for a couple of hours :thinking:

Btw: Once it was functioning though it was pure magic. Did 4hours straight of completely unprepared acid techno in combination with rytm and octatrack for live sampling of the swarm :ok_hand:t2: and only stopped because I was spend, crowd still wanted more.


I have noticed the pads aren’t as sensitive or predictable as others I’ve used.
I haven’t experienced these exact symptoms, but they can be finicky.

However, I’ve also noticed it seems to have more to do with my fingers sometimes than the pads.
For instance, if my fingers are dry and cold, the pads aren’t as reactive.


The pads on mine weren’t always super responsive, but then I’ve learned from my Lyra that I’m not the most conductive person.

They would definitely be quite sensitive to severe changes in temperature/humidity though.

Maybe you share my curse of cold, dead fingers.


Swarm direct in to the octatrack?

Yes directly into OT. Why you ask? :thinking:

@Fin25 @RickeyE yeah I had previously concluded something similar, the top of my index fingers are usually a bit colder, although I don’t have issues with that on other devices. It’s the occasional (de)activation of pads two or more pads away from the one you’re touching (and the one time total disco mode last weekend ) that’s weird. Thx for confirming the finickiness, I guess I will contact eowave later today to see if they have any answers :man_shrugging:t2:

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I’m not gonna lie, if the Swarm wasn’t so fvcking cool, I probably would have sent it back just because of how flimsy and plastic it is for the price.

I probably would have paid another $100 for a little bit better hardware engineering and more sturdy pots.

I’ve been thinking about making some custom wood cheeks for it.
I already blinged it out with yellow knob caps from Thonk.

But, like I said, there’s nothing like it, so I have to forgive it’s shortcomings for the experience of saying “holy shit” everytime I patch it in. :man_shrugging:t2:


I was making the exact same argument to a friend of mine earlier this week. Worth a 100 bucks extra. Do the thonk knob-caps improve the pods?


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