Eowave Quandrantid Swarm

Which size/type of those thonk caps fit good to swarm?

Yeah, I think so
I probably should have left them off the note value pots on the pads, because you can bump them, but itā€™s not hard to dial back in and I wanted it uniform
And it looks like an angry bumblebee now!


I think theyā€™re just called ā€œtall trimmer topperā€

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Is Thonk the only supplier of these caps? Is there anywhere in mainland Europe that sells them? (I purposely avoided writing ā€˜knobsā€™ because @Fin25 is childish).

I donā€™t know
Iā€™m in Australia and it was extremely fast shipping from the UK. Wasnā€™t too expensive either





Iā€™m having trouble syncing via MIDI. Anybody had any luck doing this?

whatā€™s the problem?

know what diameter / kinda shaft the Swarm pots have?

I wanna get some o these for it but thereā€™s a few different diameters availableā€¦


When sending clock it doesnā€™t receive it (or start and stop the sequencer)

Mine worked right out of the box since I got it months ago, never had issues with MIDI sync or triggering it through MIDI. Iā€™m even using it right now, being triggered by the OT and with the internal Quadrantid sequencer running.

What are you using as a master for your MIDI setup?

In my case it was wrong MIDI type adapter. Swarm works with TRS-MIDI type B.

Iā€™m using the midi adaptor supplied by Eowave and I set the ext midi clock on. Iā€™ll try again laterā€¦

So the swarm receives sequencer start and stop over midi but itā€™s not in sync (and the clock pot still controls the tempo). Any suggestions?

I got these:


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While Iā€™m fiddling about with this thing, has anyone used the keystep pro to sequence it? How would I set that up with the Cv gate? (Iā€™ve previously only used MIDI for sequencing)

graƧias Erickey :heart:

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what colour caps are these?

When you have an external MIDI clock the clock pot works as a divider. The synced rate is somewhere around 12 - 1 oā€™clock IIRC