Erica Synths LXR-02 Desktop Digital Drum Synthesizer

I use the drive parameters a lot and can definitely recommend it as they add a lot of character and power to the sounds. Especially the filter drive. I use the Mix drive mostly for volume boost.
(The main outputs are not too loud)
I did get some clicking which was hard to find the cause of when using the distortion FX near max.

This video explains how to trigger externally and chromatically. Maybe it helps?

It seems sound editing while triggering sounds manually will be possible in the next firmware according to the latest version of the manual:

While in performance mode, Press one of the 8 synth section buttons (OSC, AEG, MOD…) to enter sound edit mode. The sequencer buttons will still act as manual trigger buttons, allowing to trigger the sounds while editing the parameters. While the display is showing a synth parameter page, the voice buttons can be used to select the edited voice as in voice edit mode.”


A few more notes:

1.) Build quality’s not as good as the DB-01. The plastic cover over the LED screen arrived slightly “punched in.” I recall seeing someone else posting about a similar issue; they wound up opening up the box to fix it. It’s not really an issue - just slightly cosmetic - so I’m leaving it as-in. Still worth noting. Also, the main data knob became loose and fell off within a day. That’s an easy fix with a small screwdriver (if you happen to have the right size on hand), but still a slight hassle. (The metal box itself, which appears identical to the DB-01, does feel sturdy as hell).

2.) I’ve been dealing with some wonkiness switching between projects and kits. Specifically, some kits don’t appear upon loading the project unless I first load the “0” project, then switch to another one. To make matters worse, the data button’s “press” function just stopped working in the kit selection screen. Probably just an annoying bug that can be dealt with in a firmware update, as long as Erica’s aware of it.

3.) I wonder if there’s a way to add in fills that only trigger every 128 bars (versus the 64-bar max on this machine). This is a big limitation versus Elektron boxes. Yeah there’s the probability setting per hit, but that’s a lot less useful than the 1:2, 2:4, etc.

It’s funny how one gets utterly spoiled by Elektron’s sequencer. Then again these limitations sure as hell didn’t prevent Dataline from rocking out (video posted above). The man makes it all look deceptively easy.

I have troubles with the data encoder too, loading kits and projects is not working all the time, same with detail view of menu items, opened a support ticket, hope it’s a software issue and not a problem with the hardware…

sound is very attractive but this issues make it not very useable at the moment

It’s true. I also wonder why after 20 years (!) no other brand has adopted the p-lock style sequencing. To my knowledge, only Drambo does it. Other machines have limited/quirky implementations of it.


Norand Mono comes to mind. :star_struck:


Thanks for sharing! It is really helpful to hear some frank impressions.

I am very tempted to get one (even though I probably not need it, having already a MD and a RYTM) but might wait for a firmware update or two before jumping in.

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one other thing regarding the sound,
especially the kick makes an click that I don’t like if notes are close (triggers on every 16th), with very short decay it can be removed, the more overdrive and layers the less it’s present, don’t know if that’s by design or something to fix?

my small roland tr6s has no problems to play the bass drum on every 16th without annoying clicks or super short decay. maybe I have to dive deeper an learn more about the soundengine, definitely not an easy start with this machine for me.

Yes there’s clicking from voice stealing - I’ve often found that too.
Do you want to email support about it or should I?

would be great if you could do it, I am on the way to rehearsals and will have some busy days.


regarding data knob not working: they told me some units have the encoder mounted too tight, I had to open the screw, remove the plastic part and test if the encoder works. it did work, took me some time to fix the plastic part again so that it works, but for the last 20 minutes I had no issues.

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Don’t suppose they mentioned when they will release new firmware?

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Quick question for lxr users:

I have set up a kick sound, 4 to the floor. But when it plays back I hear some sort of pitch modulation even though there is no modulation programmed. Any suggestions?

Do you have a sound example ?

Probably it’s Mod which allows velocity modulation. Just turn down mod.
It can also be other tracks LFO modulation of your kick track or automation.

Thanks. I set up a new kit and it’s gone. Must have been hidden somewhere…

Follow up question - is it possible to delete projects from the unit or is this only done via the SD card in the computer? This little drum machine will be really good if they just iron out the few kinks it has…