Erica Synths LXR-02 Desktop Digital Drum Synthesizer

Random question, but does anyone find the knobs on the LXR-02 a bit too smooth/slippery? Wondering if there’s a rubberized sleeve of some sort I can put on them or something like that (short of replacing the knobs, which seems tricky).

Yeah, they are a tad slippery I’d say, especially with one finger. Two fingers operation less so. And some times the value jumps one value. Small annoyances that I can easily live with.

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I can recommend it for sure, I’ve had mine 6 months now and use it in every jam I do, pairing with either the Digitakt or TR8s. I have a self imposed limit of 3 devices these days, I do fancy a DFAM but don’t want to give up any of three that 3 I have. They are my trinity of choice :pray:t3:


Never noticed that they are slippery so I can’t say that’s an issue. Only thing I find problematic is that they are too hard to turn fast which means that I don’t really use the “morph” feature since it has such a large range (CC for Morph is really needed!) The knobs are too close to each other so you have to turn and let go 4-5 times in order to go from 0-255.

Maybe a stupid question but did you consider a Digitakt? Just because you mention more directly achievable rhythm duties… I’m feeling crazy fast with the DT, it’s not much more expensive, it’s an awesome box and it pairs the Digitone pretty, especially optically :wink:

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Is there a way to set the default note for a track. Mine all seem to default to D#5. I can adjust with the coarse tune, but it’s kind of nicer to just pick the note I want everything to start at. And then adjust individual notes where needed. Or am I thinking about this all wrong?

EDIT: It seems like with the new firmware (1.3) when you create a new project, the default sequencer note is now C5, which makes more sense than D#5. Creating a new pattern in an older project (created under the 1.2 firmware) still defaults to D#5. Would be a shame to have to start a fresh project to change that. Doing the math to find the notes I need using coarse tune is way easier starting from C than D#5. :confused:

Good question. I had one for a year and a half or so and decided I don’t need a sampler. But the immediacy of the DT workflow is dearly missed sometimes. If it would be another Elektron box I’d rather take an A4. But in the end I feel like limitations boost my creativity way more…

If they were more easily available I’d take a Division Department 01/IV right away.

Then the LXR might indeed be an interesting option for you! In terms of the tonal aspects you asked for, there is definitely some flexibility and nice options like for example FM operators that can just be used as additional oscillators. I would give it a try :+1:

The A4 is a completely different beast and probably my favourite piece of gear. Very capable for drums and percussion, but you really need to be willing to chase those narrow sweet spots.

Interesting hint for the Division Department, that one was completely out of my field of view. As it’s an analogue one, just be aware that the LXR has a completely different sound! Too many choices nowadays :laughing:


I have set mine and forgotten about them. I usually work with a project continuously with save as a new project so I never need to adjust these again. Once done it’s saved.

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It’s super flexible in terms of sound and performance features. Have mine since three days - and so many cool features. Also very performance friendly and small. Check it out!

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Do you know if there is a way to change the default note per-track or per-pattern?

I do think there is. Looking in the manual I couldn’t see anything. I guess you might be able to edit the project file on a computer, or fire an email off to Erica synths , they responded to some questions I hade a few months back .

5D# is probably value 63 or 64 if it starts at 0C …. I’m curious if it is in the project file now, it must be. I’ve edited kit names on laptop previously.

anyone know how long the envelope attack can go? I’d like to make some slow-attack synth sounds for ambient if it’s possible. can’t find any examples of slow attack sounds. looks like it’s more just for softening drum attacks what I can gather.

anyone know if long attacks are possible?



Yea that is a great idea. I dug around a bit with my project file, but couldn’t really find anything tied to the default note… but it must be in there!

There is a file called GLO.CFG , seems like an abbreviation for global config?!? When I open it (30bytes) in text edit on a mac all i saw was one char ‘Ç’ but if I copy it paste I seem to get more , like this "Ç00100" - But I have not idea what to do now haha.

I get the sense that the encoding of these files is not coming across fully in Text edit on Mac. I wonder if there is a better viewer/editor to use?

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Text Edit is ok, you can choose the encoding you open the file with. Go File, Open, then select the file but don’t open it, choose options , then your encoding. There are about 100 to choose from :grimacing: , most don’t open, but I’ve had two UTF’s open but with different gibberish. I tried ASCII to, but no secrets revealed…

Hmm - I experienced several times that transition from pattern to pattern is “clicky” and not really smooth (appears on different sd cards I tested). Anyone else experienced similar issues?


I reached out to Erica Synths. They said there is currently no way to change the default note, but that they would add it to the feature suggestion list. Fingers crossed. Seems like an obvious feature.

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I think clicking comes sometimes when switching kits. That happens here with some kits.