Erica Synths LXR-02 Desktop Digital Drum Synthesizer

I felt like I hit my stride with this one, fuelled by a little Aspall’s cider :slight_smile:


I updated yesterday, today I‘ cc the midi out of it. can’t wait to get home :star_struck:

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I’m interested in what you are planning on doing with CC out exactly, are you recording to a DAW so you can play back automation?

I’m sequencing, and patchbuild on hardware and do in daw only fx, mix, mastering (and very long stems if I do not have the force or the octatrack on the table).

I’m using cc to control modulation, volume, envelopes, filter sweeps and stuff to get variation into the pattern.
If you vary filter par example, it could be necessary to alter the volume to get a half way good mix into the recording. Yeah, you can mix in daw, but it’s better to record right away as good as it’s possible.

I like to program that stuff so when I play i wont need to interact…
Recalling patches, programming movement etc. is crucial for me. I’m not performance oriented.
Only exception: mb33 (and a formant filter pedal attached to it).
Well, and keyboard. I play and record into daw, but thats it. drums, etc. need to be exactly recallable.

Damn. This is the 666th post in this thread. Insane! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


ah I see, total recall & control :slight_smile:
I’m at the other end , I mostly prefer hands on control most of the time…although I do use the LXR-02’s six LFOs for some movement. I never really use the two automation lanes, I keep forgetting about them (note to self)


What do you guys think about the changed coarse tuning behaviour?

To me, it sounds a bit like a restriction as I really enjoy tweaking the pitch beyond the now given limit of 2 octaves. Setting notes per step is way less fun and way more predictable :neutral_face:

To be fair, I didn’t update yet and it might turn out to be absolutely fine, but after reading the changelog yesterday, that was my first thought.

Is it not the same range just set to +/-?

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I updated and found most all of my kits lost a good amount of their craziness… haven’t really went in and played around to see if I could get some of it back, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing in the long run to “tame” the beast a little and make it more reliable in sound editing.

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No kits changed here (but I do acknowledge that your’s have).

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You might be right :crossed_fingers:

The changelog actually just points out that 0 equals the step note, -12 being an octave below and +12 one above. I first understood this to mean that the range is now limited to 2 octaves…


That’s bad, I know this feeling myself…

If it’s really just me having misunderstood the changelog, there is no obvious reason why the kits should have changed. I will pay attention to this when I update my box and let you know.

But one thing is for sure, I don’t want to tame this beast at all :wink:

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I have a live recording of a bunch of patterns I did with the 1.2 firmware, and will see later today if when recording the same patterns in 1.3 sounds any different to anyone else(I will also note that I just got over a really bad inner ear infection so that may have something to do with it too). I do agree there is nothing that notes that the sound should be different, just easier to know where you are compared to the other oscillators… soundcloud link to follow…

I’ve been so close to ordering an lxr02 recently. sounds amazin, n I love the euclidean entry mode.

over the past week that idea has morphed into building a 4u62hp euro rhythm / drone machine instead, for 3 times the price :laughing:

think I’m gonna put all ideas on ice for a while lest I do something foolish :joy:

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I’m currently thinking to add the LXR to the Digitone for more directly achievable rhythm duties … but the price is considerably high for only this. I found some nice videos where the original LXR was used as a synth, which I liked a lot. To those who actually own the LXR-02, how do you experience it in this regard? Is it so very flexible as I’m hoping for?

I’d say if you want a synth buy a synth. I’ll chose, say the Digitone or A4 for sequenced synth parts any day while I am aware they have a very different sound. LXR-02 excels at drums and IMO not as a synth. It can however make some cool synth noises along with your beats.

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Not thinking about a “real” synth with massive modulation options etc., of course. Just a few basslines, and some FX type sounds on the more tonal side…

Just been reading the manual to get a better understanding. What it didn’t state explicitly is how long/slow the envelopes can be set. I am using deep sub basses quite a lot that stretch/decay over at least 16 steps. So can that be done?

Edit: Had a Model:Cycles for a while with similar intention but got bored somewhat quickly from its sonic limitations.

I’ll check later regarding the decay. In spite of what I just said it can actually make some really surprising synth sounds. They are a little hard sounding though. I use it for deep kick basses. Best kick machine I’ve used. It’s like there’s no end to it’s sound design - I keep making new sounds. Made some big deep kicks, claps, Rimshots and delicate clicks lately.

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Yep, that can be done for sure. I just tried and a single trig on step 1 with decay of 127 and it lasted for 64 steps before retriggering. I didn’t notice any decay with that setting.


hehe, same. I did like half of the machines tbh. But on lxr-02 , i like all the voices. I find it great for bass sounds & baselines and all assortment of hits & FX.


Very cool, thanks for reassuring. I think I’ll order one these days and give it a try.

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