Erica Synths LXR-02 Desktop Digital Drum Synthesizer

I like to be able to jam on the couch without wires!

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Very cool. They kept the HP down also. :face_with_monocle: I had an original LXR and sold it. Kind of regret the sale. Maybe I will cop this.


Pretty cool

Finally a real solution for drums in eurorack. Hoping that kit selection + pattern are modulation targets for the cv source.
No midi ?
EDIT : no sequencer apparently

Does anyone know if there is a way to change the default step note from D#5 to something else (I would prefer C5)? Is D# the “techno key”? Is that why they chose it?

Hey, You can’t change it afaik. As of 1.3 firmware when you start a new project it will default C4 or C5 I think. That’s about as much as I can help :man_shrugging:t3::smiley:

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Right, that makes sense re:sequencer and how they kept the HP down. I guess most people have plenty of sequencer options available already and they just ported the drum voices over. Also Erica Synths have a module called Drum Sequencer, so i guess they don’t want to cannibalize sales of that.

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Gonna be pitching in to this thread more now as I finally went and picked up one of these bad boys. Seems even more of a bargain now with these designer-priced boxes being unveiled at Superbooth. Bloody love me some digital drum synthesis.


Does anyone know if it’s possible to send a track to multiple outputs? For example, I would like to send Track 1 to both the main mix (outputs 1 & 2), as well as output 3, but I’m not sure if this is possible? Thanks.

Try it

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A bit rude for an answer. I would assume he/she doesn’t own the device .
I’ll have a look but I don’t think it’s possible.


It’s not possible, it’s either L1+R1 / L2+R2 / L1 / R1 / L2 / R2.


I’m not sure of the good solution for introduction drummachine in modular. Not a purist but i like maximum of CV modulation in modular. Just 5 CV here… seems a bit short, Imho.
I prefer dedicated modules with maximum of flexibility, that’s the way i see modular thing.
Makes me think of xlr been cut to fit in a case :thinking:

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Yeah sorry it was.
I have the V1.


Got mine today. Absolutely loving this device. Spent ages crafting kicks and I’m blown away.


Yeah! Best kick machine I’ve ever tried or heard. Congrats :grinning:
Oh wait - MD is great too.


Thanks! Never tried a MD but one day I hope to do so. :slight_smile: I actually forgot there were other synthesis voices in the LXR, got so caught up with the kicks. Looking forward to making snares and claps tomorrow.

Edit: just wanted to say that what really makes the kicks stand out for me is how many pitch envelopes there are! The Digis taught me how powerful having multiple pitch envelopes can be for shaping snappy kicks, and it’s great to apply that knowledge to a new machine. Thank you Elektron!

Edit 2: Had a look through the thread and couldn’t see if anyone had already done this, so thought I would confirm - LXR-02 works nicely via USB power.


Speaking of power, I noticed that the LXR-02 (and my DB-01) have a 12v power requirement. The manuals say only to use the provided power supply, but I decided to contact Erica Synths customer support and ask if they would be safe if I tried using my Voodoo Labs Pedal Power Digital power supply. I find the one provided with my LXR-02 to feel kind of flimsy…

I’ll report back with what they tell me (they’ll probably say only to use the provided PSU).

Yeah, there’s the MOD envelope, the LFO can be used as a pitch EG and the CLICK section has one as well. Any tips on using each of these, maybe even together? Also interested in any more snare tips for snappines…