Erica Synths LXR-02 Desktop Digital Drum Synthesizer

If I am reading correctly, the Pedal Power has four separate 400mA outs, whereas the LXR-02 uses an adapter that supplies 1A. I don’t think it will hurt to underpower it, but it might fail to work. The DB-01 works with Elektron PSU-3c as well, and either that or the adapter provided with the DB-01 will work for the LXR-02.

For portability, I’ve used a usb power bank with both my Birdcord and Ripcord (which I bought for my Digitakt) on my LXR02, no problems.

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I sent my syntakt back and kept my lxr. The syntakt sounds good but the lxr has some magic in it.


I received the following response from Erica:

“I believe each of the devices require around 0.5A - if you can provide this amount for each one, I believe they should work fine - just make sure the power supply is 12V, center-positive. The LXR and Bassline each ship with a 1A, 12V, center-positive PSU.”


Still a good decision! Will get the module and trigger it from DT

No master volume on the 01 but if you use touchosc you can totally make one. Would also be possible with an arduino or teensy if you wanted a hardware knob. Most of the parameters on the lxr01 can be midi controlled.

I’m experiencing some weirdness on my unit where the oscillator waveform sounds stuck on Sine. I was trying to work on a hihat sound, but then I realized that I couldn’t choose the Noise waveform. Well, I could choose any waveform from the OSC page but the sound wouldn’t change. It’s only on this one kit I’m working with. If I change kits it works as expected. I don’t have FM, click or filter activated, so nothing else would be affecting the sound.

Has anyone ever had similar things happen? I’ve found that occasionally an LFO might not work, or something similar. I’m on the newest OS as well.

Edit: Arg - my bad. I had the MOD going to OSC waveform. Haha. Too many options with this thing!


I know you’re not excited about what you just went through but I have gotten some wild sounds out of not exactly knowing what the hell I was doing with this thing. A big fave was when I didn’t understand that the LFO I’m fiddling with may not apply to voice in which I think I’m working. I’ve gone from thinking “this LFO I’m putting on this snare is weak and I don’t think it’s even doing anything” to five minutes later “I’m not sure what the hell happened to my kick but it is now the greatest bassline in history!”. I just didn’t know the LFO had to be assigned specifically. Fun stuff! I kinda still wish I didn’t know sometimes :0)


Yeah, there’s lots of happy accidents to be had, although once they do happen I want to learn how they did so I can recreate them later.

I recently used an LFO on a long kick drum sound in order to get a combo kick+bass pattern happening. Worked pretty well, although the key was to get the LFO Offset amount just right.

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Hi, LXR-02 users.
I’m about to buy one to pair with my Elektrons and standalone use as well, I think it doesn’t have tempo per pattern, so I wanted to ask if there are any other caveats I should consider coming from the Elektron workflow (?) like what happens when syncing with Elektron’s Bank/Pattern system vs only Patterns in LXR ? How do you go to pattern 17 if synced.
Any other info will be appreciated. Thanks

I just tried syncing my LXR-02 to my Model:Samples, which worked immediately. When I tried to transmit a pattern change from the M:S to the LXR I couldn’t figure out how to do it. A bit of internet researched seemed to suggest that the LXR uses a different standard for sending/receiving program changes vs Elektron.

And are you asking about Pattern 17 on the LXR? Just asking, because there are only 16 patterns available in any Project on the LXR-02.

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Yes, I was asking about pattern 17 on the LXR, 'cause I was reading the manual and it says “A Project contains 64 Patterns”…

There are indeed 64 patterns, press ‘bar’ < or > to access the four pages, when in pattern mode (I think).

Not sure how to do this via midi from an Elektron machine, I normally choose patterns on the LXR-02 manually.
I have sequenced LXR-02 from the Digitakt in the past, works really well as you ca use / assign the 8 cc knobs too.


Well, you learn something new every day, don’t you!I had no idea about this.


Not sure of anyone’s posted about this but has anyone experienced random freezing of the playback? I was playing and all of a sudden only the lxr in my setup froze. Wasnt even touching it at the time. Pressing play on the lxr or my main brain did nothing.

If lxr clock is set to EXT, if I’m on performance page and I’ve accidentally touched the BPM knob and it goes to 1 bpm. Possible that happened?

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I hadn’t thought of it, but I will surely check this next time it occurs. It’s certainly possible. Thanks for the insight.

Here’s an electro track featuring the sounds of the Erica Synths/Sonic Potions LXR-02.


… just arrived …


Hey… sold mine to get a syntakt. No regrets, but it’s still a fun box.