Erica Synths LXR-02 Desktop Digital Drum Synthesizer

Has anyone thought of this firmware update request - allow a way to save individual sounds?

I’ve come up with great hihats in one kit, and maybe snares in another, but no easy way to use them together. Not sure how this could be implemented, though. You’d probably have to name them each individually which would be a big hassle.


Yes I have also posted about it above and requested it to ES. It’s a shame you can’t.


I brought mine out with its original shipped firmware over a year ago for a live set, didn’t have any issues, also had it paired with a Jomox 09, so I had dual drums playing and obvious redundancy. I think my OT is my only piece of gear I’ve fully trusted in live settings, since it’s very mature o.s. after 10years, it’s smart to have some back up sound making devices, it’s why guitarists carry a second axe with them, otherwise you have to stop the band and go find the opening bands guitarist somewhere at the bar and beg them to use their equipment… avoid all that, bring a cheap lil back up device just in case!

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If it’s within your budget to keep both I’d do it, they both sound very different and compliment eachother. Those two with an OT in the middle you’re ready to rock!

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I’ve had some weird glitches with the LXR every once in a while. For example just the other day one of the sounds wasn’t audible, even though there were steps programmed and I went through every possible parameter to make sure nothing was turned down. I’ve also had issues where the LFO won’t effect the parameter.

One thing I’ve really started to focus on are the automation lanes. I thought it was just 2 automations per pattern, but I found out it’s two parameters for every step of every sound! It’s a bit tedious to program these in, but onces you start to get going it’s not that bad. I do think they should program it so that only that drum channel’s parameters show up in the list of options instead of having to scroll through parameters of all the 5 drum sounds if you’re working with the 6th. In any event, I’m really blown away by the amount of modulation options when you combine this with the velocity modulation and the potential to have 6 LFOs on one sound (if wanted to use them all).


Has anyone experienced this? You’re rocking a beat and editing sounds and suddenly one of them sounds off. Then you notice this strange label under the oscillator waveform?

Actually I just noticed a similar thing in the FM section (but I changed it before I was able to get a photo, but I think it showed s16). I’m not sure if this is the cause, but the sound I’m working on sounds like a very high frequency short electronic cowbell. Even after changing those to normal waveforms, and checking every single parameter, including the automation and LFOs for each sound (to make sure they’re not having an effect on this one) and the global and individual bit crush, it still cannot be pitched differently by lowering the oscillator Coarse frequency. It’s really weird, and it’s happened to me more than once. I’m on firmware v1.3.

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I’ve seen this too, weird value for wav. My theory is this responds to a CC value, 1 is sine, 2 is saw etc and the last one PWM is CC value 5 or whatever, basically if you send a CC value higher then you get this weird value…It probably happened when you assign an LFO to wav, It also happened to me with an ext midi controller & iPad. Following on from that it would be nice if they added lots more single cycle waveforms to these empty slots.

Yep, sounds familiar…most of the times for me it is when SRT for that voice gets set to 0 somehow.


Interesting. The s stands for sample and the number corresponds to the slot number of that sample on the sd card. The lxr-01 could load “some” samples.

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Yes this is left over from the version one firmware… even if you put samples in a samples folder(formatted correctly for the LXR-01 firmware) they will not load as they have taken out the the command that actually allows you to load the samples into the machines memory.

V1 could hold 490k worth of 16bit 44.1k samples… nothing that big but would be great if they allowed this as I would love to layer say a 909 kick or a ride…

From the v1 manual :

.wav Samples

You can upload a limited set of mono .wav samples (about 490kb) from the SD-Card into the internal flash memory of the mainboard. You can then use these as additional waveforms for the oscillators. This is a non volatile memory and is stored between power cycles. This is by no means a full fledged sampler! Think of it more like a little gimmik that you can use to supply some hard to synthesize sounds like realistic hihats or your favourite ROM sounds from old drummachines.

to upload samples:

  • you need a folder on the sd card named “samples”
  • put some 16-bit mono wavefiles in there (not more than 490kB!)
  • on the load screen there is a new option “load samples”
  • confirm with ‘ok’, make sure the seq is not running or the upload will fail
  • sample upload starts… this may take up to 30 sec. (not optimised yet)
  • when you see the “load sample - ok” screen again the upload is finished
  • the oscillators have some extra waveforms now "S1 to “Sn” where n is the number of samples uploaded

I have a feeling reading comments about the v1 firmware that this never worked that well which is more than likely why it not in the LXR-02 firmware(which is buggy enough as is lol).

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Talking of buggy as is, what the hell’s up with Song Mode? Tried it for the 2nd time today and it makes no sense (‘Select Pattern 65’) and just doesn’t seem to work? Is p00 pattern 1? It froze before playing back so I never found out.

As much as i like the lxr-02, but the described no sound happens way too often for me.
Rebooting fixes it.
On the paper its soo good, it sounds so good, but I must say: I just don’t want to plug it in.
I hope this box will get some love, but I doubt it honestly

There is a new update.


Ooooh - that was unexpected :slight_smile: hopefully nice and stable :crossed_fingers:t2:

  • fixed: MIDI channel handling for CC messages (use voice channel as well)

ah yeah, thats nice!

I had to turn autoscreen off, sometimes the screen was totally blank and didnt “wake up”

also had this pattern 65 problem, didnt do anything at all, total silence. reboot and firmware restor didnt help. after a nights sleep it was gone. lxr only has 64 patterns!

Your night’s sleep was my unplugging it. Happily, the v1.6 firmware notes say the Pattern 65 bug is sorted.

Shame pattern 65 wasnt equal to “Up to eleven” :grinning:


I’ve installed v1.6 and used it for 30-40mins, not noticed any issues yet. Seems less buggy. Although it was stand alone and not hooked up to any other gear. I’d forgotten how much this things slaps :slight_smile: