Erratic behavior - uploading samples w/ C6

Hey guys…

Trying to figure out what’s going on here.
I spent about 4 hours last night with my MDUW and
only got 6 samples loaded. :-/

here’s the deal:

  • Everything is connected correctly.
    Mac OSX - USB to TM-1… MIDI IN/OUT into correct IN/OUT of MDUW

  • C6 opened, ports assigned (when it actually “sees” the TM-1)
    Note: Sometimes I can’t get the turbo to turn on. The TM-1 shows
    the light on, but C6 doesn’t show the turbo button as activated.
    Sometimes it works… Mostly it doesn’t.
    Also, sometimes C6 doesn’t show the INs/OUTs of the TM-1 in the Config window.

  • Samples added to C6
    They’re WAVs… 16/44… Mono.
    File size ranges from 60k ~ 200k

  • Starting with new samplebank on MD. I prepare the MD for receiving
    the sample(s) into an open slot.
    MD flashes “Waiting”

  • Hit Send on C6

So, sometimes it takes… and I see the progress bar on both C6 and MD.
Sometimes it makes it all the way, and the sample is now on the MD.
(Horrray!) But, often… the C6 progress bar stops half-way and says done, and then I have to restart the process all over again. (which includes closing C6 and restarting the MD!!)
Also… Sometimes… I only see the progress bar on C6… and the MD just sits there with the “Waiting” message… flashing and taunting me. ;(

so… Not sure what’s going on here.

I haven’t tried AIFFs… but would that really make a difference??
I did try another set of MIDI cables… (All HOSA brand) and that didn’t make a difference. I didn’t try another USB cable, however.

any ideas? Thanks!!

c6 sample transfer is barely working for me either, OS X 10.9 here.

hmmm… interesting…
my mac isn’t in front of me (atm)… Not sure which OS X I have - but it’s a recent build.

ok, yes… It’s an OS X thing.
My main machine has 10.8.4.
and that one was the problem.
Using C6 1.4E

Just tried to transfer with my older Mac…
and it works perfectly.
It’s 10.6.8
Using C6 1.4C

I think there has been a problem with C6 since Mountain Lion. Never had problem using Snow Leopard (and never used Lion, but maybe then).

Try setting the delay ticks higher, maybe 5 to start, and go up from there. I’ve had to set it to at least 10, maybe higher, or it will fail to properly send data. The problem is that it will take much longer to send data the more delay you add.

I hope Elektron can find some time to update C6 soon. There have been a number of threads about it having faults recently.

As for Turbo not showing as on, is this when you click the button on the interface, when you click it in C6, or both?

Interesting… I’ll try out the delay ticks next time I’m ready to push samples over… Thanks!

As for the Turbo button/light on C6 interface, it mostly stays “off” even when I click the interface with my mouse cursor… and when I hit the physical button on my TM-1… Only once or twice, did it turn on - using the newer OS X.