Error message / crash Rytm MK1

Hey, I’m getting a crash of analog rytm after a short use. I use the USB Hub „Overhub“.

An error message follows, which can be seen in the picture:

Does anyone have any idea what the problem is? Overbridge and Rytm os is up to date.

Best regards

Can’t anyone here help or have an idea for a solution?

Hi, sorry won’t be of much help but you can try this if you didn’t:

  1. unplug everything

Does it help?

  1. Enter test mode to see if there’s a hardware failure reported

(sorry, don’t remember the steps to enter this mode but it’s in the manual)

If you already tried the above and nothing worked, contacting Elektron is your best bet.

Perhaps some people with the same experience will chime in though.

Edit: test mode is not going to fix anything. Just be a pointer to help fix the problem and find if there’s a hardware problem.

hey, thanks for the feedback.

I have already tried the following things:

  1. cable checked
  2. checked overhub
  3. updated rytm os and overbridge

i will do the test mode on wednesday, i didn’t get any feedback from electron support about my request from 11.08.2022.

i have the feeling that maybe it’s a software problem, because i can’t set the buffersize of overbrdige below 256, because then the control panel shows an error message in red that something is wrong with the latency. (I could always change the buffersize before without any error messages.) it can’t be my pc workstation, because i haven’t changed anything there and everything works so far.

my analog four mk2 is also running without any problems so far.

best regards

Did you try without any cables plugged into it? Just the AR by itself (not connected to your PC)?

Might be holidays for Elektron. They will come back to you.

unfortunately, we have not yet received a solution, which is a pity.