Ess's M:C performance patterns?

Hello, somehow I hadn’t seen this amazing performance from Ess at the 27 minute mark until now and I am floored! Does anyone know if these patterns have been released in the same way you can find Ess’ Granules album? I’d really like to play these myself.


…don’t think so…he also played a few nice tunes at elektron hq in berlin on the digitone release party…

that’s all his own tunes, so to say…nothing like a soundpack u could purchase somewhere somehow, i’m afraid…

but hey…dmessage him…

Ha it’s funny I just posted about it on Facebook as I’m always floored watching it from time to time.
What an amazing set…

As a result I just messed with Karplus-Strong synthesis on the Cycles today and I had forgotten how well the Cycles handles it… Check out Undulations Youtube channel series on the Cycles he has a deep dive that is really, REALLY deep.

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I have the .syx for this, and I got it here on this forum, almost exactly two years ago. I hesitate to post it again without permission, but I’m sure it’s somewhere. If someone can’t find it, I’ll go looking after dinner.


I remember that I have that .syx as well. I’m trying to find the post where Ess linked to it but it is eluding me.

Or did he share it from his ess_mtsn twitch stream? I can’t remember which.

Here’s the post. You have to copy the URL and paste it into your browser, it’s not an active link, but it still works (I just tested it).

It’s an interesting project, because it’s not cleaned up. You can see some working versions and some patterns that never went anywhere.

(Edit: My M:C is just sitting around. I really should spend a couple of days using it exclusively.)


Thanks so much for your help! I was able to load the project to my Cycles with the help of C6 (Transfer wouldn’t load it) and start jamming! This really is amazing work. The main patterns are SUPER fun to play around with, I especially love changing the machines on the fly!

I really don’t know how Ess managed to create such a variety of sounds on one track without Trig Preview, its something I really struggle with being used to it on the other Digi boxes.

Now I can learn from the master! =)


Thanks for sharing the link :slight_smile: I already got plenty of inspiration from looking into these patterns. Things I will definitely do more often now:

  1. Layering pads by copying a pad-track and slightly varying the sounds/offset the notes
  2. Using the transpose-function in the track-setup to reach a sonic territory beyond what the pitch-parameter allows you to
  3. Stop trying to avoid output clipping