Eucci, "Bones of the King" online album. Heavy use of model:samples and cycles

“Dance music for dangerous times and darkened hotel floors.” Admittedly heavy Autechre elseq and NTS Sessions influence as that and Stereolab seems to be about the only non-K-Pop stuff to which I listen these days.

Quick summary of the setups per track. Some recorded back in January before a long depression had me in a rut before I finally got myself to get back to recording and assembling something together:

  1. knewers - Was primarily composed on the model:cycles but kind of came together when I added model:samples to the lineup, though m:s here is primarily used for some additional texture. Model:Cycles is going through a small eurorack effects setup with Qu-Bit Data Bender and Noise Engineering… I think it was the Imitor:Versio delay firmware? The model:samples is going through Bastl Thyme. Recorded live. Add some dynamic texturing to these boxes and they really come alive.
  2. tresolute 1 - Model:Samples and ASM Hydrasynth. The Hydrasynth sequenced by Model:Samples. Again, Model:Samples through Bastl Thyme. Hydrasynth providing its own effects. Hydrasynth receiving some modulation input from some Ieaskul F Mobenthey eurorack modules. A second layer of some granular noise from an old classic MacOS era program is added to the ending of the track.
  3. mophopn tape edit - OP-Z through Make Noise Mimeophon. From early personal OP-Z experiments, inspired by experimental hip-hop from 90’s/2000’s.
  4. eastop drain - Model:Samples and ASM Hydrasynth again, this time both of them sequenced in ORCA. Includes some sequencing/modulation of the FX on Model:Samples (which, again, is running through the Bastl Thyme a little bit).
  5. not in two - Inspired or annoyed an the number of “OP-1 into Cocoquantas” videos on YouTube, this one involved running an OP-1 into Qu-Bit Data Bender and monkeying with its buffer. I think. Something along those lines.
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