Eureka! I have it working and in a surprising config

For the first time, I now have my A4 working with Overbridge.

Here’s the amazing bit, I’ll try and describe the test:

Both A4 and Virus Ti running simultaneously via Elektron’s Overhub, using USB3 to a cylinder style Mac Pro.

4 individual tracks working on A4 (but did get the digital distortion / noise on the first run).

This is in Cubase 8.5.15., using 3 RME HDSPe cards, housed in a Sonnet PCIe Thunderbolt host. Sample size on the RME cards - 128 samples. Sample buffer size on the A4 - 256 samples.

My Rytm’s still not running in parallel yet, but this is a huge step forward.

…and what’s made the difference? The new El Capitan release - 10.11.4!
