Eurorack as food for digitakt

I really want to want an 0 coast cause it looks nice, has a cool name and everyone talks about experimentation with it. Sounds like my cup of tea but everything I’ve heard come out of it seems to be mad noise and rarely anything useful. Not sure if I just haven’t found the right videos but it’s just lacked a pleasant sound to my ears every time I’ve tried to listen to it. For example I feel I’ve heard a lot more enjoyable m32 vids, comparatively the 0 coast seems like a wacky noise box.

I’m not sure if it’s because of the lack of a sequencer so more people post videos of “look at this weird noise I made” than musical sequences. Not knocking that, im just not into it. I’d like to see someone sample and resequence one into something a bit more musical if there’s any decent vids out there

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From what I remember some of the Dreadbox standalone/semi modular units made some great drone and pad sounds.
Maybe run them through some ambient guitar pedals for extra mileage

I think i will recreate your rack on vcv and test it :smirk:

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Think about what you want to do musicwise and make a in depth research which equipment is right for. Now with the internet there are tons of videos about hardware tutorials etc plus you can find the user manuals of almost all produkts as a pdf. . The thing here is that everybody will give you an opinion about the things they cosider best based on their workflow.

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If the goal is hands-on tweaking (and it probably is wise to avoid the Eurorack rabbit-hole) then as good as the Blofeld and Clavia Micromodular synths are then it may not be the best fit. The Volcas are a really good for that… with their little in-built sequencers and hands-on control sample food can be quickly and fun-ly (yep, that’s a word) created. The VolcaFM as suggested above is particularly cool because you can get really deep but just the front panel controls are ace.

I also backed the Modal Craft Synth2 Kickstarter which will ship in April which looks to be a really cool device of that nature with some real cool tricks. The Sonicstate video is really interesting. I got their Skulpt and it’s another excellent choice.


Would agree that the Volcas would pair well with the DT.

Especially the Volca Sample (somewhat ironically?). The Volca Sample just sounds so amazing. Might seem odd to sample it into another sampler, but the DT would let you further manipulate the sounds and add that gorgeous delay and reverb… Yum!

Same with the Volca FM.

And the Vokca Keys.


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I made a couple jams using only the 0 Coast, but they do more to support your argument than to refute it :slight_smile:

I do think the 0 Coast can do really normal and usable sounds for sure, but I got it hoping for more of a west coast kinda vibe, so I can’t be as helpful as I’d like to be. As a sample food machine, I love it. Made lots of drums and perc that I quite like, as well as basses, leads and weird fx stuff.

The guy I got it from does really pretty sounding chill type music. Sorta vaporwave, 80’s inspired stuff. He bought the 0 Coast, an M32 and a DFAM at about the same time, but only wound up keeping the M32

I mostly use aum, iPad and lots of synths / noise things.

It nice to specify the tempo ( 120 usually ) and grab 2,4,8 bars of stuff , it cuts down the editing later
And can be done anywhere.

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Wish I hadn’t sold my 0-Coast. I bought it at launch and when I expanded beyond a small half-full skiff into a full-sized setup, it fell out of favour. (The form factor is the strangest thing about it—it’s so small there’s no room for it, if that makes any sense.)

My studio is now so overwhelming that I routinely unplug one or two pieces of gear, take them in my office, and shut the door. I’ve even caught myself researching lunchbox cases and designing “small modular systems to compliment some other piece of Elektron hardware.” But that’s what an 0-Coast is, zero, and you sold yours you dingus. facepalm.jpg

Now that I have a DFAM these small semi-modulars seem more appealing. Myn full-sized modular setup is just too overwhelming to switch on most days. Sigh. I’d probably give Pittsburgh Microvolt a look. More “normal” form factor than 0-Coast if you ask me, and some nice bells and whistles.

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