Eventide H9 midi overload?

Have any of you that own an H9 ever tried sending it multiple CCs generated by lfos or automation? I’m asking specifically about many value changes being thrown at it continuously, not the occasional single parameter value change. My unit begins to choke and exhibit weird behavior at 3 CCs, and will become unresponsive and lose connection to the H9 control app if I send more than 3. For a unit that is billed as fully midi-controllable, I’m feeling a bit let down.

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I find the control app can lose connection quite easily, like when switching preset on the app or pedal during playback with the H9 slaved to midi clock, or even changing a parameter on the app which is being modulated via midi. But I’ve never experienced any glitches once the app is disconnected and receiving midi only. So I use the control app for setting up, organising presets, and assigning midi parameters, not as a real-time controller. I don’t think I’ve used more than 4 ccs simultaneously, but I’ve never had any glitches / midi choke / unresponsiveness as long as the app isn’t connected.

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I haven’t sent it cc but mine doesn’t hold Bluetooth connection with the ios app if my MD is midi clock master. No problem when AR is master. Weird.