Exclude input from ctrl

hi folks
i have my MnM sound go into MD into input AB

when I use ctral and tweak knobs, the input signal is changed.

any way to exclude the input audio from the ctral ? thanks for all suggestions in advance

Don’t think it’s possible to avoid this side effect wich is due to Ctrl All. Try the 8pole controle…

This is a case where a cool feature like the Mackie mixer mute-bus comes in handy…hit the ‘mute’ button to send to the md, and unmute to process dry.

Or more manually, use a send.

Maybe not exactly what you want, but might get you going in a good direction.

hi jeffe …

ooh its is SOOOO easy … i mute my MnM and A4 for a second, turn the ctrl knobs … then press stop in order to restart everything… seems like th input cahnnels on MD are “not” affected when they were muted! …


I’m not sure we are talking about the same thing (I’m specifically talking about Mackie mixers) - but my point was to get you thinking about other solutions and very happy it seems to have worked.
So…you’re welcome :].