Exponential lfo as envelope

As so many have already recommended to add punch to my drums I’m trying to use a one-shot exponential lfo as envelope but I still don’t have good results. How do you recommend to set up multiplier and speed? Thank you

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By ear! I think you can leave Multiplier at 16 and change speed.

What is the destination? Amp VOL? Did you lower it? I’d try Overdrive too.


I usually start at multiplier x1 and change speed to taste. Try applying fade out too.


Thank you guys!
Yes Amp vol, i’ll try OD

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Thank you sezare! This was the problem, I forgot to lower amp volume :sweat_smile:
Now I’m really satisfied of the result, I tried the following settings:
Amp vol: 32
Speed: +63
Mult: x16
Fade out: +40
Dest: Amp vol
Wav: Exp
Mod: One
Depth: Max

I’ll try different settings now.
Again, thank you guys!


Thanks for the courage to ask this question. I was making the same mistake as you with the Amp Volume. I can’t wait to try this trick the right way.

Thank to sezare that has hit the problem!


Doing this was like getting a new, different machine. I use it a lot.

Since the envelopes are digitally controlled, is it possible to get such snappy results on the amp envelope without having to sacrifice an LFO? Would be a great update…

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