Export Audio in Ableton not working with OB

Hey gang,

So I’ve got OB installed and I’ve got my AR and A4 working and sounding awesome. What I’m wondering is the process in which I should be exporting out my audio for a finished track. Should I be just doing the export audio and everything works or do I need to arm and record in each audio track then export the audio? I tried just doing the export and I got the equivalent of putting a plastic bowl in the microwave, not good. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I’m running the latest version of Ableton and OB on a Surface Book with i7 16GB RAM 512GB SSD with an RME Soundcard on the latest drivers and Win10.

Thanks JJ

You need to record the output to it’s own track and then bounce. Since unlike VST’s, this is bussing audio information from the synth in real time. You can’t offline bounce with Virus TI either for this exact reason.

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OK, that’s what I thought but I needed to make sure. Thank you for taking the time to answer.

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