Expression wonk

I am having a hard time understanding the behavior of external modulation (i.e. the CONTROL menu in Settings). I rock my expression pedal and the things that are supposed to affect T2 are affecting T1, T3 is having the wrong parameter affected, just chaos. It is totally unpredictable too, sometimes my kick will seemingly switch to using a HP filter and then after trying to fix the other tracks T1 will suddenly work correctly and the filter mode is LP2 and the frequency is affected, which is what I want. (Maybe BASE was being affected come to think of it, hence the highpass)

This feature seems broken. Anyone else?

TBH I have not plugged in my expression pedal yet. Can you give us a minimal patch that exhibits the issues, and we can try to duplicate it?

I would, but DYK, it’s a per-project setting! :roll_eyes: I’d suggest just try playing with it, if things work okay, maybe reload the project or restart the DN and see if things break.

And another thing … there are two cryptic symbols to the left of the modulation setup screen. One looks like undo, the other a turned-over play/pause. No explanation I could find in the manual.

Oh, just realized they’re probably supposed to mean “destination” and “amount”. Not great… just use English here I think Elektron.

It gets weirder … I change the active track and with each one it’s as if a completely different modulation setup is activated - but the setup screen doesn’t change at all. I can’t make heads or tails of this.

I think my project is corrupted. Now when I load the project and I switch to tracks 2-4, even though the modulation setup for the expression pedal is now blank and the pedal at 0, everything changes as if some modulation was engaged, and some random modulation happens when I tilt the pedal.