Expressive E Osmose

Indeed it is Pete.
I very much enjoyed Mr. Eagan’s EaganMatrix 9.5 update vid.


Here it is directly btw


I really like that Dripaphone :drooling_face: can’t imagine trying to build that sound from scratch

I missed the boat on the pre-order deal for this beast but definitely following along

EDIT: as some are considering cancelling their pre-order, is there a way to transfer it? Bit of an odd question but figured it couldn’t hurt to ask


I would bet modwave. Seems like a more straightforward product to manufacture, and Korg has been making products a lot longer. EE is a newer company, and the Osmose is basically a brand new* approach to a keyboard.

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I’m not sure what a dripaphone is, but the closest I could imagine getting to reproducing the sound of that patch would most likely entail using Mutable Instruments elements!

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Ha just a funny name for that patch - maybe a vibraphone that sounds like it’s dripping!

Thanks for the recommendation. I really like physical modeling stuff e.g. rings and elements but really prefer the cost and workflow of a non modular setup

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Free Trade deal with South Korea…
Maybe I’ll pre-order? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Some of these are really cool. And like others, some I can’t even start to work out how they got there in terms of programming.
I would also be interested to see an overhaul of the UI.
I’ve watched lots of videos and read the manual, but it is still really cryptic to me!
Maybe it’s something you really need to get hands on with to understand.

I think all will work, but some will be more applicable to the Osmose than others.
… and my understanding is that some presets are being designed specifically for the Osmose.

my experience is that every expressive surface has its own unique feel, and ‘patches’ that work really nicely on some, dont really work on others… or might need a bit of fine tuning.

the Osmose is no exception to this, not only due to the keys, but also due to the fact the Y axis is seen as an extension to the Z, so that means you cannot play a specific point on that axis as you can with (e.g) a continuum.

so its different, but the strength of the Eagen Matrix is the ability to capture the subtle expressive inputs and apply this to a very comprehensive sound engine.
it wont be a continuum, it wil be its own thing.

I very much doubt (nor want) the Eagen Matrix will see any ‘overhaul’ in the UI… its a very mature ‘product’, that has proven itself over the years with Continuum owners.
For sure its a bit tricky to understand at first, but the concepts are reasonably straightforward, basically like an advanced ‘pin matrix’ , but where the pins value can be expressed as ‘formulae’ combining the expressive inputs.

my (limited) experience is that patch design feels a lot more deliberate, its not quite so open to just patching stuff and see what happens… it rewards a certain amount of dedication.

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If they are talking about trying to make it better, isn’t that a good thing?
Improved accessibility definitely sounds like a benefit for new users.
Overhaul is maybe the wrong word. Optimisation perhaps?
Again, haven’t used, so I’m happy to try and learn as it is.

First thing I asked a year ago or so was to make a dark themed UI - the latest 9.5 video seems a little darker … but maybe that’s only a dimmed down display? Would also love a nicer UI … not a complete redo just a designer who knows how to overhaul it a tiny little bit.

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Yeah, this is the kind of thing I meant. Colour schemes, maybe a nicer font etc.

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Another update!

Chris from Expressive E just messaged on Facebook to say that something will be arranged on pricing for UK preorders to bring the final price back into line with customer expectations.

Not sure if Chris frequents this forum at all but here’s another note of thanks from me. Putting aside the Brexit difficulties and mixed messaging that has created, his comms have been open, honest and appreciated.

So, I’m back on the Osmose train.


Great! Thanks for the update. Sounds promising.
Definitely didn’t mean for it to sound as though on a witch hunt in previous posts.

I had been under the impression they are a sound company, and this sounds like good news.


That is indeed great news!
Thank you for your leg work my man.
This sounds like a happy ending.
Roll on April and hopefully something very special to look forward to.


Curiosity strikes … are there any sequencers that can record/playback MPE+ ? I know MPE+ was designed by HakenAudio

Could you play this beast into a sequencer and have it play back with the same nuances?

ETA: realizing I’m pretty clueless about MPE and this thread might not be the appropriate place, if someone could kindly point me towards a resource I could learn from I would be grateful :slight_smile:

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Yes that’s the document that I “learned” from … I’ll be a PhD in a few months but don’t feel any more equipped to understand this (I want my money back!) :rofl:

Not looking for a DAW to generate the MPE+ data … just wondering what would be able to record it and then transmit it.

My use case would be an improv on the Osmose into a sequencer and then touch up or add variety to the basic note data. Or should I put away this dream and just expect to only record audio from the Osmose?

This is from their website:

Osmose is also compatible with the major MIDI protocol for polyphonic expression, and MPE+, for the most advanced and accurate response.

Add: so it’s capable of transmitting it… and the EaganMatrix certainly can use it to shape it’s sound

Add x2: the other use case would be to record the performance and then change the core sound either before or while it’s playing back. Probably many other use cases here and definitely an important part of my workflow.

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Ableton live 11 has video demonstration of UI for modifying and creating MPE data directly inside the DAW. There’s no mention of MPE+ and it’s hard making conjecture as how (& if) it would affect your recorded Osmose performance.

As I got a pre-order for both, I can keep you posted when the time comes.

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Now I’m thinking a Continuum would make a nice a tider-over while waiting for the Osmose. I have a Ph.D. in tider-overs.

added: aside from price, are there any comparisons of the Continuum with the Osmose? The Osmose’s only real advantage as far as I can tell is that—to put it briefly—the Osmose provides a standard keyboard layout and tactility, which the Continuum pretty much doesn’t. I’ve never played a Continuum, but it looks to me like you pretty much can never take your eyes off your hands. The Osmose, though, will be more like a conventional keyboard, which can let you feel your way around it for players who are comfortable doing that.

This implies that Bitwig can record and play back MPE data. No idea about MPE+. I’m an Ableton Live user myself and am not motivated to buy Bitwig.

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