Expressive E Osmose

Sooooon !!!

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I spot the case at the back there too. No further news on that that I’ve missed is there?

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Yeah. Other news.
Price etc.

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hi everyone! I’m one of the early preorders (nov 2019), and must say I’m getting a bit exited with the last update email. We will see. I’m not in a hurry.

Just to check with other early backers: are we expecting that when it comes, we will have to pay 1079 minus the 299 bucks?
or 1500?

Same here, Nov 2019!

My preorder was secured at $1079 / 1079€, and that’s what is stated in my Product page on the Expressive E site.

So I’m expecting to pay that minus the 299€, 780€.

Btw, just found this re timeline in this support page:

starting August 2022

  • ramp-up of mass production

  • first shipments by sea from Shanghai factory to France & announcement of individual ETAs for every backer

starting two months after shipping the first container from Shanghai

  • reception of the first container in France

  • quality control of every single unit and first shipments to our Early Bird backers

  • gradual shipping of all reserved units in chronological order.

Thanks, totally forgot about the ‘my product page’. Just checked and I see the same 1079.
also: my order reference is 000004857
does that mean already 5000 people preordered it in nov 2019? wow… guess I should expect to wait a bit more haha…

I’m an order # fairly close to 5560.

Still interested to see what the final payment will be for those of us in the UK but hopefully not too long to wait to find out. Not getting my hopes up for it landing this side of Christmas though.

Still not even sure I actually want the thing though! :joy: things have changed in the last 2.5 years or so. Probably worth taking it, giving it a whirl and moving on if it doesn’t click though. No harm in it!

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I think these things are going to be something of a status symbol to have around for a while if general production goes anything like pre-production has.

Would be great to receive this year.

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My concern is parts shortages and the need to continuously revise to match parts available, as well as the ongoing logistics nightmare. AFAIK, plenty of products in standard production right now are having issues keeping stock and meeting demand, and it gets worse the smaller the company. Hardware-wise, expressive e isn’t exactly what I would call a volume producer.

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I’m fairly sure that Expressive E at some point stated that they had secured parts for all preordered units, both early birds and the second round (which I am part of: order number: 7425).

Edit: Yes, they did secure all the parts back in june 2021:

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Another month gone and no news at all? Getting worried.

Yeah. Hoping to get the ETA soon once that first palette ships.
Hopefully shouldn’t be too much longer.
I mean, a few months, but it’s all relative… :grinning:

theres massive drought´s in china affecting the the dam´s which shanghai draws electricity from.
Wolkswagen and Toyota have both shut down their factories in the region due to massive blackouts…

if Expressive E uses a manufacturer in Shanghai, my guess is that it is affecting the production run of Osmose.

Climate change isnt something happening in a distant future, its happening now!


Think my Isla S2400 came from that region and it was gridlocked by cargo ships to the US back then. I can imagine anything from there is a logistic nightmare. I think the delays will be years rather than months.

that is another parameter as well, Yangtze river is all dried up, one of the biggest shipping lanes in the country…


Is it. ?Then its pretty much fucked for a long time. Yes the climate is fighting back and i cant blame it.

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China drought causes Yangtze to dry up, sparking shortage of hydropower | China | The Guardian

seems like you can walk across the riverbed on some parts… incomprehensible.


That is truly scary

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I have successfully avoided any news for months and then you do this to me :-/