Expressive E Osmose

that was an ominous sign already … basically they didn’t want be at a show, explaining 100 times why it was delayed again, to an unknown date.
I still think it was unfair though on those that have supported them , and were hoping to try it (for the first time) at SB2022

but all totally expected…
though, I have to say, I don’t think they are being entirely straight with us :frowning:

a) they could have told us this many weeks ago, but have chosen to wait…
they should really have explained this when the factory closed… 4 weeks ago!

b) its doesn’t all tally
in this newsletter

ready to begin?

last newsletter …

so… by 28th, they would not be ‘ready to begin’, but were supposed to have been shipping first container! … so this ‘ready to begin’ means they were already a month behind (minimum)

don’t get me wrong, things slip weeks here and there - thats life, esp. at these times.

but Im getting a bit tired of them, not just calling a spade a spade, and telling us whats going on in a timely matter.

I don’t really care… I’ve plenty to get on with, but it would be nice if they could just be straight with us, and give regular updates without the ‘marketing gloss’

oh, well, tis what it is…
I don’t really think many of us will see it much before Christmas now.

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I just asked a pal who has a brain the size of a planet about this. He told me we should not expect the Osmose to actually arrive; it’s going to seep in gradually.

While this whole affair is extremely unpleasant, and backers+potential customers can of course feel frustrated, I think the company is facing an incredible challenge: where they would have been way ahead other companies in term of innovation, they are losing their advantages months after months, as another company could output something alike (or better) any time.
Their reputation was hit big time.
And they could not get yet the return on their investment.

I think they must face pretty hard times right now…

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Agreed. I’m sure they raked in a fair wad on pre orders, and likely secured some other means of funding to cover R&D and then production, none of their modelling could have predicted the impact/timing of COVID nor the ongoing impact of the pandemic. And lets not forget other things kicking off around the globe.

What I will say though is that all of my interactions with Expressive E have been excellent. From deciding to sell on a Touche and getting licences transferred to engaging with them over Brexit concerns (which in hindsight should be fixed now without the solution they agreed to). At all points, they’ve been fantastic with me. That deserves some benefit of the doubt - I just hope they can land the thing whether I stick with the preorder or not as on paper, it’s going to be one hell of a keyboard.


What happens to a company that goes broke? Do they have to pay off debt with pre order money. This is a worst case scenario of course.

First customers, then providers, then banks, then capitalists. That’s normally the order, at least here in France.

I’m not too disappointed at Expressive E.

Sh!t happens and it happened. I still have faith they are a standup company and things will work out.

Given no choice, the time it is taking, for such a special unit, adds to its legend.

2022 receipt of it would be GREAT though.

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Can’t wait to have this thing Don’t matter if it’s 2022 or 2023 or whatever. There are longer queues that I’ve signed up for. :slight_smile:

Article 12 as Dalai said. French Law applies.

For sure…. No matter which way you look at it, delays cost ( EE ) money, reputation, momentum.
Let’s also remember the chip crisis has also deepened - so that’s likely causes other ( supply/cost) issues.

But, I do feel their communications could do with a bit of improvement.

I think few of us, actually mind the delays, and we have been supportive - and I think improved communications will help foster that.

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I’m really expecting them to raise the price for all orders when they start taking the remainder cost, citing inflation, and offering refunds on deposits (no interest lol) if folks are unhappy. Folks will be enraged, but I don’t see how they can’t at this point.

Recently played an early production model (not the 3D printed one) and it really blew me out of the water. The action and expressiveness left me in shock like so many of those early promo videos. I’m still excited for when it finally ships.


whilst I understand where you are coming from, I don’t think so…

I just don’t think they could do that , and retain any creditability…
you can’t take money upfront to secure a price, then later change the price…
otherwise what is the point of people putting down deposits… and then also waiting years for delivery?

so tough as it is, I reckon EE will have to swallow the extra costs … and basically make little, to no profit on the pre-ordered units, in the hope of reclaiming on future (non-preorder) sales.

lets be under no illusion here… even at the offer price(s), there was margin on the Osmose… EE were never doing this as zero profit, so its is going to hurt them for sure on this side, particularly, the earliest offer price.

(*) It would have been different if the ‘offer’ had been a % discount of retail price, or similar, then of course, then the (already) increased retail price, would mean everyone pays more. … but that was not the deal.


100% , no-one knows how much impact this has had Expressive E… its all pure speculation.
actually, partly my post, was to ‘dampen down’ a discussion that backers were going to be asked to pay more ( or bankruptcy!) … let’s not start raising pitchforks towards Expressive E, when they haven’t even hinted at this being the case.

of course, people are a little anxious, as this had gone on for a long time… and to some degree speculation is inevitable - this is why I believe better communication is important !

I, personally, believe (with zero knowledge :laughing:) Expressive E will eventually deliver Osmose, and if anything the above discussion, illustrates why its also in their best interests to get it shipped as soon as possible.

all we can do, is sit back, and (try to) patiently wait … if you can’t, or are overly concerned, then ask for a refund.

personally, I’ve enough and projects stuff to keep me busy for years, so will sit it out. hell, I might have even improved my piano chops by the time it arrives ! (work in progress)

I didn’t know that about Birdkids, I think that’s quite an honorable way of handling it.

For any of you intersted, just ask Expressive-E what you want, they respond to any question you ask them with pretty detailled answer and they offer a phone call if that’s not enough…


Hell yeah !

Just got the newsletter…I feel like I’m somehow participating in an epic struggle even though I’m just waiting to get some electronics.