Expressive E Osmose

What I need to do is find an Eagan expert!

Think controller wise I’m pretty much settled into the linstrument way these days, though I’d certainly find chord playing more intuitive on the osmose. Left hand osmose, right hand linstrument is something to dream about, and would potentially offer a best of all worlds* if the sound engine is decodable.

*For me

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Lockdown in Shenzen. Nice. Guess that adds a few more weeks / month / years?

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I believe the arpeggiator will be my main playground, I hope it’s not too limited…

I believe they were supposed to receive the shipment in France from Shanghai. Perhaps they’re past any Shenzhen-related stuff at this point so that we’re just hoping Shanghai doesn’t get locked down.

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Shenzhen is locked down as a city, but Shanghai isn’t there yet. That’s not necessarily to say the port of Shenzhen is 100% closed to shipping, but, coincidentally, I had to get a shipping quote to Hong Kong for goods I’m 90% sure would pass through Shenzhen handling first and was told there was a 10-dey delay beyond the norm due to covid. At least stuff is moving, but that was one day before the Shenzhen lockdown, so it’s a depressing thought.

I’ll bring you back on topic by venturing that our Osmoses are safe from politics. The powers that be have far too many vested interests in China (and vice versa) to cut off the relationship. Posturing to secure a better deal, sure, but that’s it.

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  • Osmose update -

"End of March thru April :

Continued acceleration of the communication regarding the systematic delayed schedule…
Continued acceleration of the commitment to release a newsletter a month as promised in another timeline…
Continued acceleration of adding new delays…

As a bonus, preorders will get a “gps map weekly update” on their osmose so they can track their unit and a nice wallpaper featuring a 3D rendered osmose.

Thanks for the continued support."

Humourous post, please flag responsibly.


Here’s the lastest update of how covid countermeasures affect business practices in Shanghai, where the Osmose is said to ship from.

On my lovely red CT-S1, I’ve been working on the six types of chords featured in Open Studio’s Jazz Chords for Beginners - major, minor, dominant, altered dominant, minor 6th, diminished. I like the approach Adam Maness takes here - play the identifying notes of the chord with the left hand, and the “make 'em pretty” notes - usually extensions - with the right hand. I’m painfully aware there are a gazillion ways to voice each chord, but I feel its better to settle on one consistent way to play them and take your chord journey from there, instead of running down 100 different paths and getting lost.

For right hand melody I started learning solos from this Open Studio page in which 3 classic solos have been given the Soundslice treatment. The waveform display makes it easy to isolate the exact phrase that you want practice, and slow it down to a comfortable speed for playing along. I’ve picked up so many new fingering ideas. All 3 solos are jazz-blues. I am not a blues expert, really, but the blues language is familiar enough to me that I can pick up what each player was communicating emotionally in his solo, and have fun trying to recreate those feelings. I work on this stuff on the CT-S1 , melodica, violin, and guitar. Melodica does not give me the ease of pitch bending that I have on some other instruments, but it lets me its me shape notes with my mouth and breath in a satisfying way.

Other than that, I learn and practice what I need to practice to enter chords and melodies into sequencers such as the MC-707, for the songs I’m working on.

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No content from synthfest? Must not have made much of a splash.

No video allowed? That’s not cool.

My newly acquired Yamaha PSR-SX600 arranger keyboard is actually proving to be a relevant investment. My favorite presets to use for keyboard practice are the Super Articulation guitar presets, as they respond in a variety of ways depending on key velocity and piano legato. Coming from a guitar background, legato in my mind had been simultaneous with hammer-on and pull-off techniques. However, piano legato is not quite the same.

The auto-accompaniment that is triggered by left-hand playing is a fun and gentle introduction to some left-hand independence. I can manage it just by playing 2 or even 1 note at a time with the left hand - much, much easier than having to play, say boogie woogie riffs continuously with the left hand and a melody or whatever with the right hand.

Practicing with some sort of time keeping device usually produces better results than practicing in free time. The onboard auto-accompaniment is great for this.

The one downside is spending more time than I had intended to on fooling around with the onboard auto-accompaniment styles, and having a laugh with quite a few of them.

Difficult times. Amazing how connected and dependent we are.

"A map showing cargo ships currently stranded in Shanghai Port.

Shanghai Port is the world’s largest container port. The closure of Shanghai for a month will have deep impacts on global logistics for a year to come. "

(From Twitter)


Shanghai Schmanghai: I can’t stand a pregnant silence:

I just visited their site to see whats up with this.

And I saw their featured artists

  • Mike Dean
    And then…

No shade on Cuckoo, he’s good at what he does- it just seemed like a joke of surprise

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[ anticipation intensifies ] but also [ enthusiasm wanes ]

oh that’s a shame… yeah, Haken will have one I’m sure (they did last Sept) , but the hut is fairly small, so not sure they’ll have more than one… and even then it wasn’t really there for the public to sit down and use …
its kind of strange setup, as obviously Haken’s main focus in the hut is the Continuum.
(though, perhaps if EE are not there, they’ll arrange things differently with them)

oh well, I was lucky enough to have a good amount of hands-on time with it at SB2021… but I feel for those that hoped to get some hands on time with it this year at SB :frowning:

unfortunately, I think, whilst expressivee are quiet, we can assume not a lot is happening.
which probably means things have slipped a bit ( again ).

sigh, I think most of us are now resigned to ‘it arrives, when it arrives’… the milestone dates are pretty irrelevant.
plenty to play with in the meantime !

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It’s a shame that the release has been impacted in such a way. In some ways it’s probably a good thing we haven’t had much more in use demonstrations beyond the initial launch campaign as I’m sure momentum would’ve been further lost.

Not the end of the world seeing as I bagged a cheap AK and couldn’t resist ST!

Ive considered asking for my deposit back several times to be honest. But there’s enough in those early videos to keep me interested (for now!). Can’t shake the feeling that I’d sorely regret not hanging on to the end with this one.

I actually hadn’t realised they had cancelled their appearances at both. That’s a bit of a concern in my opinion. Like, nothing to show us at all?! Makes you wonder why…

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