Expressive E Osmose

The Omega is pretty heavy-duty but it’s rock-solid and more comfortable to sit at than an X-stand. Also it can go pretty low, so if you are shorter it’s great. There are also a ton of add-ons like a laptop arm, music stand, shelves, and I think even a drink holder, though these can get expensive pretty quick. Not the cheapest stand but a good investment if you get worried about your expensive keyboard(s) ending up on the floor. No matter what you pick, though, congrats on the Osmose and enjoy it!

Receive yesterday. Never thought the day would come!
Really loving it so far. Build quality is excellent and the sounds are great.
Was lamenting the lack of a full manual, although found this which is an online manual of sorts.
Wonder what/where section 3 is…?
A couple of things I would like to see in a firmware update:
The ability to switch between mono/stereo output on the hardware (so don’t keep having to plug/unplug the R cable If wanting to record in mono or stereo accordingly). Could easily be added to the global settings page.
As others have noted, the ability to add tags to presets - even a favourites list would be good.


section 3 should be pressure & sensibility settings, and maybe arpeggiator.


This is currently my largest wish. Also, being able to set the default sound for when the device starts up would be convenient.

I am sure this will come, these are pretty easy firmware tweaks I suspect.
I wonder if they will do a computer based patch editor/librarian?

I just compared the Osmose and Sequential Rev2 output on max volume on similar pad style patches. The Osmose patch has about 6 to 8 dB less output than the Rev2.

What I know about the Eaganmatrix engine it can get very loud and sound design using the Eaganmatrix editor needs to be done carefully.

well that is consistent with my findings. and I agree that its might be to keep enough headroom for the dynamic range, but I like to play softly most of the time, so its a pity that I have to max out the volume knob on the osmose then frequently (I prefer keeping it at noon normally on synths)

ExpressiveE have added “ETA”'s to your order under “My Downloads and Serials”

My ETA is May 2023 - My order number is 7425.

I’ll Bi Bak - in May…


Looks like website updated too with reserve online or in store options.
Price still $1799

My Osmose arrived today.

I’ll need to give it a proper spin. It feels less immediately “MPE ish” than I remember the Roli Rise being when I had one years ago. But a quick flick through the macros and menus and you can def tweak an awful lot like x axis pitch shifting from semiton fractions to full keyboard lengths.

It’s seems quite a nice device to sit and just play about on. Someone mentioned it being quite cinematic before and you def get those sort of vibes.

I need to really try setting it up within Live as an MPE controller as that’s probably what I’m mostly after. Can’t recall what MPE plug-ins I have mind you.

Will be the weekend before I get some “quality” time with it. It didn’t instantly grab me but I was expecting that as I’m not in the zone musically right now!

Edit: another in the UK with no import fees/taxes. Maybe an invoice will come or I hit lucky but good to news so far.

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I was stupid enough to cancel my reservation at the initial asking price. It felt great at the store.
Ordered at full price, that’s what you get when you’re cheapskating.

ETA: May 2023

Order Nr. 7676

I really hoped for Jamuary to get my fingers on it… damm.

The list of artists that EE has exhibiting Osmose on their web-site. What i‘ve seen so far is beautiful aesthetic playing. These people have real keyboard chops too, but much of this is what Osmose does with a more accessible level of playing, tuning more into expression rather than a dazzling virtuosic display.


Quite a diverse range of talent here.

Sorry about the all caps, that’s the way they put it up, and i am not going to edit it.

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Did anyone notice on the Osmose being demo’ed at the Sonicstate video, having patch numbers in front of the name of the patch? New firmware perhaps?

now i recieve a preorder message ? I dont have to pre order, when i am already qued? I checkex inbox everyday so i dont miss my payment, but their communication confuses me.

Begun, this blitz of demos has:


Dont worry, they sent that to everyone on their mailing list, you dont need to preorder again. eg they sent it to me but I already received my Osmose last week.

Its just been sent now because new people can now preorder.

Been looking forward to another J3PO vid