Expressive E Osmose

My guess is the ones on the list signed up to be involved in the early stuff but all authorized resellers would be able to get an order in.

the sonic lab video is a very good and informative one!

Alone from the comments underneath the videos, one can see that this will be one popular synth. I’m so happy for Haken Audio to receive all this exposure, after so many years, and grateful towards EE for a game changing instrument.


I would love this see one of these in the hands of DOMI, she’s French as well so maybe Expressive E feels extra patriotic and send one to her…


Reserved an Osmose from batch 01

At this price point this honestly feels like a steal, especially given all the price hikes from every other company… now I just need to save up for the rest of the cash!


saw someone on a forum talking about a bit of lag when switching through the menus, making it annoying to select certain pages while changing parameters. can anyone comment on this? it does look a bit laggy in the demos

this is true. its laggy. hope they improve this in a future firmware update
but its workable already now

yea lol i just scrolled up far enough to see your post earlier. its good that they have the clicky encoders for the ones that actaully switch menus tho
just the 4 bottom ones are smooth right?

right and the 4 below the screen are laggy (not the encoders themselves, but the menu). I won’t go as far as saying that its annoying, but mainly the most left one is used for scrolling through some menus and sometimes it moves to a further element than you’d like (and you have to turn it back) because of the lagginess. Or am I the only one experiencing this?

Price is a bit confusing. Euro price is inclusive of 20% VAT (1799), but the US price is $1799 excluding sales tax.

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yeah they hopefully will be able to streamline the graphics a bit, animations probably bogging down the chips

So another thing US residents are going to have to order from thomann I guess :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Seems like I get half my gear from there nowadays.


Almost $450 CAD cheaper at Thomann and when you factor in duties as being usually just the sales tax it would come out about the same as the before tax amount in Canada ($2599 CAD).

It would be much harder dealing with an returns or issues though having to ship across the atlantic.

The Euro though has bounced back a bit from earlier last year otherwise this could have been about $600 CAD difference.

They won’t ship it to the US, I just tried.

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Have you got this combo working well?
I can’t seem to get it to work properly. When I have the cirklon as a thru box (ie. Osmose to cirklon routed to ob-6) I get essentially a poly-AT keyboard (ie. Poly AT is working fine, but any pitch bend I apply via the keys is global).
This is with the ext. midi on the Osmose set to MPE and the midi channel on the OB-6 set to MPE.

When I try connecting the Osmose midi direct to the OB-6 it just does not work at all when Osmose is is MPE keyboard mode. Works ok if in other modes (classic keyboard, poly-AT etc.)

Worked fine for me. Sorry I cant guess what is wrong for you from what you’ve said.

They address this near the end of the Sonic State video… to attach a speaker or potentially some other future gadgets ( music stand, stand for another keyboard, etc)

Looks like you can cancel the pre-order reservation at any time, mighty tempting! Any advantage to ordering from a store as opposed to through their online portal?

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Looks like 300$/€, with a refund if you cancel

I made a reservation with Expressive-E right when they opened up… then I emailed to cancel it when I got a pre-order in at a store, because it was more advantageous for me to just get the payment done at once. It’s just easier for me to keep track of that way.

Alternatively, some places (like Sweetwater) let you place pre-orders without any payment up front, which might work better for some as well.

In countries where you might have to pay import fees, purchasing from a shop in your country would save you from that.

So, I think a lot of comes down to what works best with your finances.

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Thanks. I have done a bit more experimenting. The OB-6 MPE instructions say that the OB-6 MPE “works with 6 voices on midi channels 2-7” and that “voice pitchbend responds to pitchbend on channels 2-7”.
On the Osmose, I tried setting Mode to Multi ch. and Start channel as 2 and end channel as 7 in page Ext. Midi > Adjust > Mode and that seemed to work.

If I set the mode on this page to MPE, it kind of works, but I seem to get dropped notes. I guess this is because although the end channel can be reduced to 7 the Master channel is set at 1 and this can’t be changed?
Also, how is setting the mode on this page different to setting the mode (MPE, multi-channel etc.) in the config page?
I did all this whilst MPE was selected on the config page.
Totally new to MPE so not entirely sure what I am doing…

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