Expressive E Osmose

To get a more complete picture, you’d probably also need to own a Continuum (or at least a mini).

Yes, its a bit like saying my Telecaster has a pre-set Telecaster sound! It does but its great!

Also I notice people buy MiniMoogs and then end up with about a dozen basic sounds that just vary slightly, you tend to find your sweetspost(s) and stay in that area as it sounds so good!

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Yes I got a mini shortly after the 2019 Osmose preorder got me excited.

I think they did a very good job of the Osmose factory presets. Mini factory presets include more experimental werid stuff, and more examples of the existing additive bank being used (the additive bank they used is a spoken phrase). But I wont claim to have a masterful memory of every factory preset so I may be overlooking some other types of instrument included in the mini factory presets but not the Osmose ones.

Just to let you know, triple layering and splits are accessible on the osmose if you enable them in the eagan matrix. I just tested them and they all works like a charm. That’s a good news !


yeah, I posted this here yesterday… (thats the problem with one topic, alot of info ‘flies by’)

Im going to probably do a video which talks about some of the possibilities of the Eagan Matrix, that don’t require you to get too deep into it… but also talk about some modifications you might want to make when doing these ‘combinational presets’ (levels, cross fading etc)

Id also like to explore another aspect of combination preset, you can make one preset feed audio into another… this could be useful for adding more FX e.g. Delay and Reverb :slight_smile: (technically 2 or 3 recirculators)


Oops, sorry… :disappointed:

Thanks for doing this! It seems about what I expected except I didn’t know such a standard as MPE+ existed, ug. Just have to wait for MPE++ 2.0 Rev. C V. 2 then everything should be simpler right.

I’m starting to think us human musicians won’t even be around by the time some good standard for all this stuff is implemented.

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no worries, its a fast moving topic… as we all explore and discuss, good to get reminders too :slight_smile:

@HBIII well, MPE+ isn’t really a thing outside Haken, which is why Expressive E have avoided any mention of it… though this in itself will lead to some confusion.

oh tell me about it… today my head is trying to grapple how to integrate the Osmose into my ‘studio’.
(hence the midi posts today !)

its a technical challenge…
trying to make everything available with or without computer, whilst coping with various ‘limitations’, not introducing too many ‘hops’ (for audio/midi) and most importantly, not require too many changes on hardware.
its like playing lego with pieces made of jelly :slight_smile:

but I’ll get there…


Forgive me for being really thick, but am i right in saying i can’t open the Eagan Matrix editor without the yet to arrive Osmose plugged in. If i double cllick on “Haken Editor.maxpat” i just get File cannot be found message.
This doesn’t bode well… :exploding_head: :flushed:
Thank you for your patience.

No DSP, no EM :sunglasses:

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Thank you kindly. So I was correct, but also thick! :pray::+1::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Also, my status changed to shipped last night. I think it said somewhere above that you have to contact EE for tracking info. Was that other’s experience? :pray:

Login to the website, click on the ‘order history and details’ link. The order reference code you should see is a clickable link. Do that and you get a page with lots of order details, scroll down to the carrier section and you should see a tracking number which is also a clickable link.

Thank you Skip!
Giving it a whirl now. :+1::pray:

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Also ‘file cannot be found’ is not the typical issue you’d get from not having an Osmose plugged in when running the editor. So there is probably something else wrong there, make sure you have the entire editor folder intact, that Max is installed and stuff like that. Also be aware that I think the instructions you’ll get when you first use the Osmose tell you to update its firmware with the firmware utility that expressive e provide before attempting to use it with the editor, and that there are also other steps necessary to understand and undertake before the connection between Osmose and the editor works properly.

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Thank you my friend, I shall bear that in mind but being a complete luddite when it comes to compooters and to borrow that wanky phrase “dawless” I’ll probably be sticking to the standalone Osmose for the time being. I don’t want to spoil the 3 year wait by getting lost and frustrated trying to hook up something that will probably fry my late life ADHD brain.
I’m sure the 500 presets and macro tweaks will be more than enough to keep me very happy until my computer/Daw literate chum comes over for a play.
But thanks again for the heads up. Much appreciated. Roll on Monday. :pray:

Yeah, there is plenty to explore without going anywhere near the editor.

Keep an eye on the tracking too, they are a bit conservative with the estimated date it will arrive at your door and it could well come sooner.I think mine shipped on a Wednesday and arrived at my door on a Friday (UK).

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Mine arrived exactly on the estimated date of arrival (the red lion’s country).

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Smaller and lighter than I would imagine?!?!

Maybe I’ve got the Pocket Operator version? :grimacing:

Ah, you’ve pre-ordered the mini lego version :grin: